DeSantis quits presidential race and starts sucking up to Trump

… I don’t think it works like that anymore



I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees a resemblance.


They should make a movie about his campaign.


Man, all but one serious contender has given up before the 2nd primary even? Tsk tsk. I thought Republican’s were suppose to be fighters and all that.

I hope Haley stays in for a few more. See if she can actually a few good showings and forces Trump to a debate.


I just finally realized what DeSantis’ awkwardness reminds me of - how actors often portray serial killers, as deeply abnormal while desperately trying to put on a facade of normalcy, but at best not being entirely successful.


Like drunks who are long practiced in the art of Hiding It.


That rumpled AF, cheap plastic backdrop looks equally as professional as the cheap plastic scumsucking shithead w/lifts what’s stood in front of it.


Well, think about where that money went. Extremely wealthy people gave the party, PACs, and candidates gobs of money. Those organizations spent it on: advertising (money goes to media organizations, YouTube, Meta, Google, etc…), more fundraisers (money goes to hospitality and entertainment industry, like hotels and event centers which in then distribute that money to caterers, event planners, musicians or media specialists, etc…), campaign materials (money goes to publishers and printers, as well as USPS for distribution).

All that money is going back into the economy in one way or another. It simply circulates. Let the rich bleed off their cash. I hope it buys them nothing.


a nerd, like any person from any group, can be good or bad. being nerdy is not some sort of saving grace for humanity. ( although, i grant: it sure would be cool if that were so. )


Trump is the odds on favorite and unless Nikki Haley pulls out a miracle in NH she’ll be dropping out soon.

But really it doesn’t matter who wins. They are all awful, they all essentially have the same policies, and their presidencies would be disastrous for the country.

Wouldn’t that be nice? That’s not what we’re going to get, though. We’re going to end up with a Biden and Trump rematch, so we just have to make the best of it.

I predict she drops out after NH. Most of DeSantis’ supporters went to Team Trump. I just don’t see Haley sticking around long enough to suffer the embarrassment of being defeated in SC after she gets trounced in NH.

Trump will never debate her. There’s just no upside for him. Not participating in any debates is probably the smartest thing he has done this election cycle. He somehow managed to “win” those debates by simply not showing up.


That might not stop his faithful voting for him.



…but a permanently blackened and painfully callused tongue.

Trump will lick Putin’s arse and stitch up Ukraine and NATO will be over. Europe will be threatened, if not actively moved against. Right wing thugs like Orban and co will be encouraged get Putin even more sway in Europe.
I genuinely don’t know what Haley’s approach would be but Trump terrifies me, and I had kind of assumed Haley would at least keep NATO intact. If that is a false assumption, please advise.

Right now I see Trump as a disaster for the whole world. Haley, less so.


Worth a repost.


I kept thinking The Human Centipede series was scraping the bottom of the barrel, and they somehow found something worse. Putin-Trump-DeSantispede is something the world will never be ready for.


If the efforts of actual Republicans and their ultra wealthy donors have had no success giving any of the other candidates a realistic shot at the nomination then it seems doubtful that a handful of Democrats and independents dicking around in the primary process would make much of a difference either.


wouldnt be so sure; the rich aint rich because they bleed off “their” money. loopholes to no end and Im pretty sure “legal” tax evasions are also a thing in election campaign funding.

hrmpf. yeah, I guess you could say -as an extreme example- that jeffrey dahmer was also a nerd.


Looks like lucky Floridians will get more time to spend with Ron DeSantis.

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One can be fatalistic and be reduced to apathy, or one can take what actions they can, while there is still time.