Despite continuous prime-time attention by a fawning media, Chris Christie fails to sell over 2,500 copies of his book


CNN had an hour long “special” on Christie a couple weeks back. I had no idea what I was watching or why. It was trying to portray him as one of the “reasonable” republicans because he refuses to promote the “rigged election” nonsense while papering over that he still happily supports Trump.


They don’t. They really don’t. Did I mention I hate it here? I overheard two women talking a few months ago and one of them said “Well you know Trump won New Jersey, right? It’s a red state now.” She was dead serious. She didn’t mean she thought Biden stole the election. She honestly thought Trump had won New Jersey. I hate it here so much. It’s the most redneck place I’ve ever lived, the whitest place I’ve ever lived, and the most Republican place I’ve ever lived, and until 2 years ago, I’d spent my whole life in Texas, Oklahoma, and Missouri. I really fucking hate it here.


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