'Detrimental to my election success': Trump blames 'LameStream Media' for coronavirus shutdown

Trump doesn’t trust Rand Corporation. They did the study which proved trans soldiers are fit to serve.


That’s the thing. If he wasn’t an idiot as well as a narcissist, he would realize that this is likely to really help him. Look at Bush’s polls after 9/11. In a crisis, in times of uncertainty, people look to their leaders and tend to project onto them the qualities that will make them feel better. All Trump really has to do is give a few inspirational speeches and not fuck up completely by following the advice of experts. He is incapable of that. He can’t shut the fuck up for long enough to let us imagine that he is going to help solve this. He always lies to solve his problems, and his problems go away on their own just enough that strategy works well for him. When it doesn’t work, he simply lies about what he said before. Thing is, the virus can’t be persuaded, it can’t be flim-flammed, it doesn’t care about his lies one way or the other.

The thing that is really going to get people killed, though is his reflexive contraryness. He seems to operate under the impression that the best way to appear decisive, is to disagree with the advice he gets and do the opposite. If he did nothing much, he would go down as the president that had to deal with the great challenge of this generation. Instead, because Trump can’t stop being Trump, he stands a good chance of going down in history as the president that got a million Americans killed.


Or maybe like KoKo


I’ve updated the relationship diagram:


(@anon21999795: new addition in Comic Sans)


This is what really effing Gauls me. I’ve for the past decade been listing to right wing yahoos go on about how many people X killed like there was some fucking score card. Communism killed X, The Clinton’s imagined body count and so on.

Please save me from right wing projection!



I thought he wanted to keep our country closed. You know, to keep out those Mexicans.

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I feel I should point out that the timing of his impeachment means there would be very little difference to the US government response. Pence would be President, and instead of being put in charge, would put someone else equally fit for the task (ie, not in the least) in charge. The damage done to the pandemic response infrastructure was done years ago, and it would not be possible to undo it in the short time available, even if President Pence were so inclined, which seems quite unlikely.

With Trump, it’s always and forever:


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Blame-shifting is what these people do. Don’t be surprised if you hear him say It’s your fault because you didn’t stop me or It’s your fault because you elected me one of these days.


“And so when it hits, as it’s now hitting in Louisiana for example, those governments are going to be overwhelmed faster. They have less capacity than the richer, blue states do,” he said.

“It is going to sweep through Trump country too, it’s just going to come a little bit later because Trump country is a little less networked to the rest of the planet.”

He thinks the president’s positive polling numbers are “just a brief moment.”

All the previous things that should have made them rethink their support for Trump didn’t, so I’ll believe it when I see it.


This is why Trump is specifically going after Democrat governors, since he can shift the blame there. And for those states that have Republican governors, well clearly the infection came in from states with democrat governors. Duh.

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