Dickhead's anti-yoga-pants letter to the editor sparks yoga-pants-parade

Due to unfortunate delays in development of the personal force field, I have had to resort to telling people breathing down my neck in lines, You’ll want to keep your distance; all the doctors know is that what I have is contagious.

Unfortunately, and this is reason number one that I couldn’t live here year round, Japan has not discovered the advent of personal space.


“I assumed the character of this grumpy old man that was railing about women in yoga pants because he was too tight to just relax and accept himself in his age and his own ways. It was meant to sound stupid and creepy.”


Yes, I would not be able to deal in such a perpetually congested environment; I don’t like people all like that.


Not for me, but I do love my jammers.

I only wear them for lap swimming.


Considering the amount of times BB has posted entries about how offensive sexy Halloween costumes are and how they shouldn’t even be sold I’m surprised people on here agree with #1. Not to mention any “cultural-appropriation” of hair styles or clothing of minorities. Don’t police what I’m wearing but I’m at liberty to shame you over your perceived chosen fashion slights. Not saying this is what you’re saying. I’m hoping that by #1 you are also including sexy costumes and hair and clothing styles that belong to everyone. It’s just that it seems that this site promotes a double standard when it comes to policing people’s clothes


Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrreeeee. And I only wear my tiara when I’m in my room.




Yes, that’s what I meant. Have at it.


Is this where I confess? I did wear them once under my khakis because all my actual underwear was dirty. By the end of the day I think I had rendered myself infertile (not that it matters) but I was rather comfortable.

Edit - I think I’m done on this thread. Normally I don’t get wrapped up in stuff. I say something hilarious and move on. But … the idea that people talk shit about other people who are wearing thing they don’t agree with is a bit of a hot topic with me. On top of that, I really wish I could wear yoga pants without upsetting my wife or the general public.


You wore a tiara under your khakis?!? Must have been painful! :wink:


When my kids were little we played Pretty Pretty Princess. I won this one time, and then we went out. I walked into the local 7-11 type place and some girl said “Nice hat!” and I thought “well I don’t have a hat on - those are my sunglasses” – and I turned around to see the guy with the nice hat. Nobody was there so I checked my own head … yup I wore the Pretty Pretty Princess tiara out in public. What can I say - it floats my boat.


Dad win!


Because the restaurant has a dress code.


Just last year I went to the library with a couple of barrettes that I wasn’t aware of.


Yes, and that’s a different conversation than “WOMEN OVER 20 SHOULD NOT WEAR FORM FITTING CLOTHES…”


A good Dad wears whatever his kids say is totes inappropriate. This teaches them not to make certain comments, particularly about gifts.

Dad, do you have to wear the stupid hat Gramma knitted me in front of my friends? It’s like you are the most awkward person on earth!

“Well, I think since you told Gramma it was dorky, the hat feels bad now, so I’m trying to cheer it up and make it feel appreciated.”

Dad, you’re so weird!


Yes, it is.

It is a different conversation that arose organically within this comment thread on the original post.

He specifically* spoke to posts - in this thread - that said people can wear anything (to quote one) “as long as it’s not illegal and against the dress code”.

So he was commenting on a somewhat common response to the OP post. I don’t see this as a de-rail, but an attempt to bring some nuance to the discussion - to keep the posts from going over into hyperbole (“as long as it’s not illegal” is hyperbolic. Wearing a suit adorned with hundreds of small bells** is not illegal, but would be disruptive.

Wearing yoga pants is not really either. Which was also addressed in his original post.

In public, we don’t have a dress code per se. We have social opprobrium (“OMG those bells are driving me nuts, go home and put on a pullover!”), letters to the editor, and push-back against stupid letters to the editor. That’s how we avoid having too many laws

Okay, that’s how we are supposed to avoid having too many laws. We probably do have too many.

* could have been more specific – say, by actually linking to the specific comments.

** something I’ve wanted to have

My tone, to me at least, seems to me to be lecturing. Which is not what I intended. I’m trying to be clear instead of fuzzy, and I’m having a hard time doing it. @Mindysan33 I am not trying to talk down to you, I am trying to explain what I’m nebulously thinking.