Originally published at: Die-hard whiskey lover destroys collection in viral video, slams Jack Daniels for going "woke" | Boing Boing
The video ends with the man bidding a bitter farewell to Jack Daniels, saying, “Fuck your woke ass company.”
And all that money you already spent, dude.
The non-woke crowed seems to be very sensitive.
I laugh at him paying that much for any JD, it’s the Coca-Cola of whisky.
but there are a bunch of happy grateful ants in his neck of the woods.
Must make room for my Nazi memorabilia and Amos 'n Andy box set.
They didn’t have to go far to repurpose the whiskey, I mean redneck pancake syrup.
Wait, now he has to toss his syrup too!
But, but, but that was pre-woke Jack Daniels! /s
I love it when people get revenge by only hurting themselves.
I always thought Jack Daniels tasted like wet cardboard? When I saw “Die-hard whiskey lover” in the title, I did not expect Jack Daniels to be that whiskey.
Yes indeed, and often they are the first to denigrate someone as a “Snowflake”. Usually for such snowflake like acts of putting oneself in personal danger for standing up for the rights (actual, not privilege masquerading as rights) of others.
I was laughing at this because he’s stupid and Jack Daniels sucks but I stopped when I considered what would happen to me if the makers of The Balvenie went TERF.
That isn’t really much of a Jack Daniels ephemera collection - i thought he was a huge supporter?
Jesus that’s a lot of whiskey, especially from one maker (vs a bunch of different kinds you would rotate trough). Someone might have a bit of a drinking problem.
Sucks to be such a think skinned baby. Oh well.
Is this over their ad campaign with Ru Paul?
Wonder who the camera person was…were they like “Yeah! You tell 'em!” or “Jesus Fucking Christ, here we go again. Every time he sees a rainbow…”
Presumably you wouldn’t be stupid enough to destroy your existing bottles, but simply not buy any new ones
I think thoes guys are pretty open-minded; especially when it comes to non-gendered dress.
Anti-woke and their general ilk have clearly demonstrated impairments when it comes to linking certain events to when they occurred.