Dirty #NunesMemo trick worked: 3 out of 4 Trump voters now believe FBI biased against Trump




This, mostly. As far as I can tell there was no before/after to this. Those Trump voters already thought the FBI was biased against Trump. So it’s hard to argue that the memo somehow shifted opinions.


Of course it worked. It’s easy to fool supposed human beings who go through life with half a brain.

It’s kinda like how Hitler shamed the German military and kept them out of as much as possible until he consolidated power. Mind you, I don’t think Cheeto has that much ambition or ability to think ahead but it’s not to say someone else in his entourage doesn’t. So I think it’s best to keep our eyes on him at all times. >_>

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Al Capone? I hear he’s doing great things.

Let’s remember that “Trump voter” is not the same as “Trump supporter” in every case. I know some personally, and have heard from some others, who voted for him even though they didn’t like him, because they liked the alternative less.

IMHO, those 25% are mostly those who disapproved of both candidates, but, Gorsuch, you know. And Hillary eats babies.

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Are we surprised? Living with staggering amounts of cognitive dissonance is now second nature to these people. They auto-redact anything that isn’t favorable to Dolt 45, and believe anything he or his lackeys make up about the meanies trying to ruin the country.

Accept the reality that there is going to be a firm base for autocratic lunatics like Trump, going forward. It is going to take time, but the realities of social Darwinism will cull them out, over time. Be patient, and vote!

To be fair, as a decidedly left-leaning person I’m not a big fan of the FBI either.

Kind of weird to see people on the left cheering them on lately, TBH.

Enemy of my enemy I guess…

I don’t think the memo was ever about convincing anyone. It is better to think of it as a special purpose form of advertising rather than political discourse. It provides a rhetorical excuse for Trump supporters to continue their support without having to think up their own reasons. It also provides a hook for the media to revert to their natural blind centrism. The headlines stop being about a bad thing Trump did and shift to being about a controversial memo. It keeps inattentive people from possibly shifting from neutral to opposed to Trump. When you look at it that way it doesn’t matter if it is a rational argument any more than it matters that the phrase “wouldn’t you like to be a Pepper too?” doesn’t make sense. It triggers predictable reactions that serve the purposes of its architects.

I’ve been thinking of them like chemo lately. They aren’t a healthy thing to have in your body politic, but they beat the alternative at this moment. When we’re all done clearing out our current problems we can hopefully stop ingesting the poison.

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Here’s hoping there are prevalent thoughts (or ‘thems’) like taking multiple grams of CBD oil and other antioxidants in a much much more rational regimen going along…maybe wise professionals applying heparin and noroviruses to affected CNS tissues…Team Medical Dragon massaging the heart by hand, etc.

His base needs their ignorant beliefs continually reinforced with ever more BS since a) they resist facts and b) the facts almost never support their beliefs.
Too: They’re not all in with Donald. Anything negative about him is an attack on them, implying that they – being ignorant – are somehow in the wrong as well.
Sad! (More so for us though.)

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