Do people take busses to the Country Club now? Is that a thing?
Eventually, all of us.
There are men because you just cannot have women out there without male supervision. That could violate the Pence rule. Besides, who knows what might happen if you left a bunch of females alone. They might start thinking they could have independent options and even thoughts of their own. After that… CHAOS!!!
I guess this is the 2018 version of paying African-American women to hold a pro-Clarence Thomas rally?
Have to be honest again, I’m impressed by the numbers.
They somehow found/coerced 6 more women than logic would dictate they’d be able to back this shitstain.
Periodic reminder that 63% of white women voted for Roy Moore.
White supremacy is apparently a more powerful motivator than misogyny.
Yeah, they’re probably the only 6 women out there who support this fucking rapist.
Is “Hon.” some sort of East coast slang for asshat?
Won’t someone think of the buses!
Guys, I think you get it all wrong. “Women for Kavanaugh” on the bus means that they use the bus to round up women for him to, well, seduce.
Yes, yes it does.
OT: How do you count the guy in the salmon shorts? He kind of looks like he could identify either way.
You can’t say that their name isn’t accurate. Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court can only be described as a judicial crisis.
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
Funny that you put it that way, 3 Snickers is actually what they would resort to having for dinner since their wife is away.
How appropriate that the banner nearly says Lack Republican, since they do seem to be lacking something…
That’s kinda impressive. I didn’t think any candidate would ever sink lower than Robert Bork.
This is the creepy, standard evangelical Christian shaming and silencing method: line up all the “good” women who say what a wonderful man Kavanaugh, or Pastor Bob, or whoever the current molester is, and by implication any woman who says otherwise is a liar or an evil tramp who seduced him in his moment of weakness. This is a consistently applied strategy across “Christian” America.
See also: every post-scandal “I stand before you today with my wife” press conference.
And don’t forget the “I have daughters” defense.
Or white supremacy controls more of white women’s information feeds… hmmm, wait, I guess that’s the same thing, never mind. 52% of white female voters voted for Donald Trump, too.