Donald Trump to travel to Mexico and meet with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto



I think there are plenty of aspiring piñata sculptors who could make Trump a personal wall, and get a lifecast at the same time.


Someone on Twitter recently pointed out that Trump is traveling to a country he has harshly criticized many times but has yet to visit any predominately black communities inside the United States.


This trip to Mexico is a ploy. It will give him an excuse to come back and say the wall is a bad idea after all. …just kidding!

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By traveling to Mexico, Trump will boost sales of Trump-shaped-pinatas, this booming pinata market will create jobs, making it unnecessary for Mexicans to cross the border into the US. Problem solved.


That is true, but in some cases, people become famous by the second surname because, like with Peña Nieto, their first one is extremely common.

Like everybody calls ex-president of Spain Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero just Zapatero, as Rodriguez is incredibly common.

But well, those are exceptions to the rules. Correct way is as you say.

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Where’s El Chapo when you need him?


I’d give Mexico the whole state back if he went along with it!

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I think they should go for “spiritual” and, maybe, “magical”.

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I gotta say, the more I think about this the less sense it makes. What does Trump plan to gain out of all this? I guess “appearing Presidential” is a big thing, but there are so many chances for embarrassment and diplomatic fiasco. It stinks of some kind of desperate last ditch attempt to change public opinion even if he does pull it off without an “international incident.” This could be the thing that finally sinks his campaign for good.


“How to talk to a foreign leader who’s wearing headphones”


State dinner of taco salads?


Depends on who’s paying.

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On the contrary, his team is now wearing MAKE MEXICO GREAT AGAIN ALSO hats as they surge in the polls and tell America how they plan on destroying the lives of immigrants. I hate this.

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