Donald Trump will not condemn the terrorist attacks on anti-Nazi protestors

I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a clumsy effort to sound innocently unfamiliar with the term neo-Nazi. Reminds me of Trump’s election-season claim that he didn’t know who David Duke is.


hello!?! if you would just give them the white homeland they so greatly deserve there would be no racism. /s



I’m pretty convinced that the lesson the establishment democrats take from this is that they can double down on being corrupt, authoritarian warmongers, and that this is bad enough that they can blackmail people into voting for them anyway. I think they’d rather have the Republicans in charge than change anything significant.


I worry about that too. The worse Republicans in general get, the easier it is to say, way too simply, “See, you should vote for us, because at least we’re not like THEM.”


Pardon? Oh yes of course. Vehicle malfunctions are excusable. Kind regards.

It would be nice to have more than two viable options. We need a weighted voting system.


Monty Python has already made a parody of that with the annoying peasant skit.

Anarcho-syndicalists don’t vote in government elections though.



That’s another bit of US history that needs wider exposure within the US.

The US came very close to joining the fascists in the 1930’s. The idea that fascism is somehow fundamentally “un-American” is severely ahistorical.


wondering why our resident Nazi apologists and distractors-from are so quiet today



We need to stop pretending a bunch of redneck morons in flyover states need to have more voting weight than half the country. We need to stop thinking gerrymandering isn’t the reason we have a lopsided congress stuffed with rightwing loons against climate change, public education, and women’s/LGBT rights. We need to recognize the refusal of a branch of government to hold a hearing on a member of another branch to deny the third branch their constitutionally established duty as a fundamental break-down in governing and straight-up criminal action.

Trump LOST. The electoral college is the only reason he’s in office. Period. This handwring-ing bullshit about “oh perhaps we need to have more choices” is pure strain garbage. We need to remove a 19th century work-around that existed because getting from one side of the country to the other took three horses and as many weeks. We need to fix the voting system where local Klan, er, Republican boards have gerrymandered them to hell and gone. We need to throttle said states if they refuse, and remove them from voting until such a time they get it through their thick heads that it’s the 21st century, the South lost, and you don’t get to decide how the country runs anymore.

Of course none of that will happen because “abloo bloo bloo state’s rights!” In the end though it’s the last gasp of the rightwing. It’s flailing at their disappearing demographic of racists and morons. Why else the drive to shut down voting as much as possible, make education as difficult to obtain as they can, make healthcare as unavailable to the public as they do? Why else would they “worry” about the “violence” of people fighting literal Nazi’s in the streets? They belong to a dead philosophy, the last refuge of hatred and ignorance, might makes right, blood and earth, America love it or leave it.

There’s no difference between the old biddy writing in to complain about the evil muslim Obama in her local newspaper and the storm troopers in Charlottesville. They’re cut from the same Republican cloth.


Oh, they’re pretending they were against them/it all along now.

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There’s a similar myth in Britain. Pretend that the Blackshirts never existed and that the Daily Mail had a hard-on for them and Hitler.

They’re waiting for the far right press to spin it so they look good?


“These khakis kill fascists”


Eh, realize tension are high, but bit harsh, eh?

Gerrymandering certainly is bull shit, and while it seems Republicans are better at it in some areas, Democrats do it too. ETA we need to end it everywhere.

No, he is in office because too many people who voted for Obama 4 years earlier, didn’t like Hillary enough to go vote. . ETA Given new info, I retract that statement.

Well for people who think the Democrats aren’t exactly the answer either, it isn’t “pure strain garbage”.

A weighted voting system will hopefully open up more opportunities to get other people elected. People with new ideas besides the stale BS that we have now. People don’t even understand half the time why they are for or against something, they just know their side doesn’t like it.

A weighted system would allow one to vote a 3rd party that aligns more with your actual views, or give your vote to one of the other parties if that doesn’t work out.

CGP Grey’s Voting series does an excellent job of highlighting why first past the post fails. It then explains alternative voting structures. It also goes over gerrymandering and how to fairly divide voting districts.


Okay, how bout “a bunch of anxious clueless racist misogynistic homophobic white guys”?


I think that captures it.