Donald Trump will not condemn the terrorist attacks on anti-Nazi protestors

Um, the Republican party has been that party for a long fucking time. Since Reagan, I’d say. Trump is just continuing a very old, very proud deplorable Republican tradition in a more gauche form.


Heather Heyer. Killed by a fascist terrorist. Remember her name.


The veneer of civilization has been scraped off the American people leaving vile predators running amok against those of us who aspire to see humanity treasure the ideas and thoughts that diverse groups of us have to offer. The weird, the brown, the queer, the differently skilled scare the white right who are so inhibited and unimaginative that they react with hate. They have nothing to offer and resent those who show them up.
Lord of the Flies presented a partial picture of who we are now except now we will not look up and find a reasonable adult who represents rational thought and fairness. We who are different thinking can only hope to live by standing together and continuing to resist. We need to reach the children and help them keep their minds open so they don’t fall into the herds of the white right.



Making an omelet requires far too much work and sustained attention for this administration to pull off. I don’t think the rationale in this case goes deeper than “crack them, because fuck eggs.”


Yeah, I don’t think anyone has to hold him over a volcano to finally meet the man.


I’m used to weaselly non-apologies, but Trump took the cake with his non-condemnation. And it’s not only that he routinely flies off the handle and attacks anyone who irks him slightly, but that he made such carefully crafted statements intended to not offend Nazis in the very same week that he made reckless, unconsidered statements that inched the country closer to nuclear war makes it all so much more horrendous. There are no other words for it: he’s a Nazi-sympathizer.

What’s also struck me, is that previously these Nazis would have been members of fringe parties - the American Nazi party, for example. But the people being identified are Republicans (in one case a member of a college Republican group quick to try to publicly distance itself from an active member). The Republican party has fully embraced its fringe at this point - it is the American Nazi party.

Worse than that - he kept the funding, but ordered that it all be used to target Islamic groups, with white supremacists to be ignored.

Again and again and again. They keep lowering the bar and expectations and failing to achieve them in every possible way. I half expect the White House to announce a great achievement in Trump managing to “go potty all by himself.”

Avoid the white polo and khaki combo. Avoid wearing swastikas. I think you’ll be good.

It wouldn’t surprise me - it’s a common theme from the right, that Obama was “racially divisive” (presumably by being black) and caused racist groups to spring up in response. Yes, they’re managing to blame black people for racism.


I’m sorry for having nothing I can add. I just want to know what the hell? Just… why?

You mean a non-zero number?

I see what you did there but what is this ‘tiki’ thing, due to these people grabbing lawn torches?

I answer that by going 'OK I’m going to follow the wil wheaton philosophy of not being a dick. That should be enough to differentiate me from racists.

As someone that is socially progressive I couldn’t agree more. These clowns have alienated themselves as a party of people that seem like a good alternative, just a party that is ‘we are not these guys.’ That is not the way to win hearts and minds. Give me a reason to believe you’ll do something other than serve business interests.


Garden adornments instead of a proper Fackelzug … amateurs.

They need to step up their game. A few years ago at Madison Square Garden they were spot on - 20.000 attendees. Don’t know why but after 1939 they somehow lost their drive.


Donald Trump will not condemn the terrorist attacks on anti-Nazi protesters

Gotta keep Sessions happy.



The problem isn’t that Trump is the head chump (well, ok, it is. Just not the only problem) but that at least 30 million American voters are apparently just fine with that fact. And worse, a non trivial number of Canadians, including at least one couple just down the road from me.



Arsch mit Ohren. Solche Typen brauchen eben eine in die Fresse.

Guy gets no sympathy from me, and I am an American expat living in Munich.


The White House has released a statement:
“The president said very strongly in his statement yesterday that he condemns all forms of violence, bigotry, and hatred and of course that includes white supremacists, KKK, nephew-nazi [sic] and all extremist groups.”

(yes, they said he condemns nephew-nazi groups.)


Family issues?


Overenthusiastic autocorrect?

Somebody dictated a statement to an illiterate intern?

Nephew doesn’t really sound like neo at all, so I guess it has to be autocorrect and then not even reading the thing before sending it out.


… which speaks to the quality of the comms department …


apparently this happened in portland oregon last week, too.

In stark contrast to recent protests, where Portland riot police formed a virtual wall separating protesters from each other, the police presence was minimal. Reporters spotted one police officer standing nearby shortly after the protests began, and a van of police officers in riot gear was spotted several blocks away on stand-by.

In videos posted by various media on Twitter, no police appeared near the fighting that had broken out.

Punches were being thrown and bodies slammed to the ground in a number of fights along the path. Pepper spray was being used, but not by police.

i was told that in a previous, larger protest – the police kettled an entire city block of people including reporters – basically to make sure that the alt-right folks had unimpeded access to their cars. and before letting the counter protestors go, the police demanded id and recorded names and addresses.

good times we live in.