Donald Trump's disapproval rating now at 54%, Gallup reports


“,will look up and shout “Save us!”… and I’ll whisper “no.””

I am just going to leave this here:

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You want a lower disapproval rating for him?


Well, there’s still some businesses that like him – such as Under Armour, whose CEO, Kevin Plank, feels that Trump is a refreshingly pro-business President.

He also feels that thinking is really overrated when it comes to world leaders:
“I’m a big fan of people that operate in the world of ‘publish and iterate’ versus ‘think, think, think, think, think,’” Plank said.

Also: are they aware of these actions? Most are kept unaware by their choice of news source (FOX and such or none at all), many of the rest seem to be keeping themselves unaware.

This is an excellent point; with the bizarre rise of polarized news sources that either pick-and-choose what to report or invent their own news, people can choose to be kept in a bubble. I’m certain that a great many people in that 40-something% approval rating get their info from Breitbart or Fox, or more likely by hearsay at the barber shop, and just shrug and say “ah, that ol’ Trump, doing what he always does. Hope he gets us some good deals. Funny skit on SNL, huh? Yup.”


And is that is different from before? No. Only when they get hurt, sick or grow older will they suddenly realize they made a terrible decision to vote for that guy. That day will come soon enough.


The point is that the uninformed will have every reason to blame someone other than Donnie and the Rethugs.


Agreed. And that is a challenge for Democrats everywhere.

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These percentages aren’t directly comparable; about 58% of eligible voters didn’t vote. Trump received a bit under 27% of the votes from eligible voters. Your claim that “[42%] are the people that voted for him” is factually false; approval ratings are sampled across all adults, not across just people who voted. There’s plenty of room for a higher disapproval rate before it’d need to dip into the group of people who voted for him.

Hell, his “approval rate” fell by eight points in his first week. What in the world are you even talking about with this “as strong as on election day”? It’s visibly falling as we watch.

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Why only 54%? Come on! We can get it up to the fantastic percentage he deserves.


Neither is his problem, though. What does he need our support for?

I worded that wrong.
But my point is still valid!

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Some business have spoken against him, but it has mostly about how his nonsense would be financially disadvantageous to them, not that it is outright nonsense.

they are planning to enshrine the gerrymander in the constitution.

That may be sad, but not as sad as the fact that I’d already added Gallup’s presidential approval tracking page to my Chrome bookmarks bar.

It wouldn’t surprise me if that 40% approval more or less holds steady, since Trump is actually doing (or attempting to do) the things he promised, but the disapproval rating—and, in particular, the intensity of disapproaval—does matter. Elections are won or lost on the basis of who feels strongly enough to show up at the polls, and right now things are looking pretty good for us. According to CNN’s polling:

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What surprises me is the lack of blowback from the fact that he hasn’t kept two of his biggest promises, and in fact did the opposite: two of his biggest promises/catchphrases were DRAIN THE SWAMP! and LOCK HER UP!

As soon as he was elected, he immediately went on a series of rallies where he admitted that “drain the swamp” was just a silly phrase someone told him to say and that he had no intention to lock Hillary up – even saying “that was fun during the election, but we don’t care now, right? Ha ha!”

I’m baffled that his rabid followers wearing LOCK UP KILLARY shirts didn’t start throwing tomatoes right then. And I’m guessing most of them didn’t actually know what “draining the swamp” meant, or his approval rating would be in the 20s.


I’m sure it upsets some people, but so far he’s taken to the extreme in almost every other respect. If anything, it’s surprising how little he’s walked back on his crazy promises. [quote=“nungesser, post:77, topic:94566”]
And I’m guessing most of them didn’t actually know what “draining the swamp” meant, or his approval rating would be in the 20s.

They worship millionaires and CEOs, and by and large that’s who he’s surrounding himself with; any criticism on the basis of outmoded ethical standards are just a reflection of how he’s “shaking things up.” Why they expect corrupt plutocrats to look after their interests is a deeper question with no easy answer, apart from the possibility that they’re just really, really dumb.


It will be interesting to see what happens after his first 100 days is up. I for one am waiting for him to fulfill his promise of term limits for all members of congress. Following the checklist here:

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That’s exactly what I don’t get; Trump’s entire attack on Hillary was (a) she can’t be trusted, because she used a private email server, and (b) she’s corrupt because she’s a rich plutocrat who’s cozy with Goldman-Sachs. Now Trump and his staff are using private email servers and he’s cheerfully hiring actual Goldman-Sachs executives to run the country’s finances. So either that 42% of his fans are too dumb to get it, or they never really cared and just enjoyed yelling at rallies.