Donald Trump's disapproval rating now at 54%, Gallup reports

When people evaluate congress they know it is composed of both their party and the other party so they can think of the whole thing as dysfunctional regardless of whether they think their team is doing the right thing. Presidents are just one person, so it’s a lot harder to dip below 40%. So a more fair comparison would actually be approval rate of the president to the approval rating of each person in congress by their own constituents. I bet that would be a lot closer to 50.

That being said, George W. Bush got down to 28 in his last year, and Obama was as disliked as Trump is now in his sixth year. That’s down from 57 and 67 when entering office. So there is reason to think Trump might bottom out in the 20s.


I don’t think we’re there yet. Even if he gets a good number of Republicans to turn against him, I haven’t seen any evidence presented yet that he committed an actual crime.

Yeah, I thought approval of your own congresscritter was generally pretty high.

Putting my scientist hat on for a minute… I really wish people would stop sharing this graph. The “suppressed zero” is HELLA misleading. If we’re gonna call out the Right for being anti data and anti-science, we can’t go tossing around visuals that contribute to data illiteracy.


Impeach him! Call your representative and demand that they impeach Trump!

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There’s a pretty large honeymoon effect with Presidential approval - Obama’s 64% in 2009 is the lowest approval for a new President. In context he’s easily the least approved President ever at this point in time.

As you can see, the thing that is going to ruin us all, though, is another 9/11. That will be the end of America as we know it.


Yes, recall. He obviously has defective airbags.


I’m googling this now and finding some different things from different times. Apparently in July about 34% of Americans said their own representative should be re-elected, with 25% being unsure. Only 20% of Republicans thought their representatives were doing a good job. ( - though Rasmussen apparently has some issues with bias, I don’t see a reason to think that’s a big factor here)

Gallup in 2013 showed much higher numbers, about 46% thinking their own respresentative was doing a good job. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was indicative of a real change - that anti-establishment mood of last year.

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Which Trump is clearly trying to provoke. Hello, martial law.


More fake news. Sad!

Needs to be higher…I want to see Drumpf always be in the 90s for disapproval ratings.

Its not that bad. In 2009 Obama bumped up the democratic held congress from 19% to 39% while president fugazi has only been able to bump up the republican held congress from 19% to 28% - less than half of Obama’s bump. So, once again, P45 doesn’t even come close to Obama’s numbers.


All they care about is he is keeping the Muslims out and bringing Jesus back.

Fuck 'em all and let 'em die under Drumpf. I have no pity for any of them.

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When war starts where do you think the conscripts will come from? 'Murica that’s where.


The fact that Ryan is making sure that Medicare will go too is the other shoe dropping.


Wouldn’t you know it, those damned bone spurs in his heels are flaring up again!
The only thing to do will be to gracefully bow out. Bone spurs, dontcha know.

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Uh, yeah… that’s what’s flaring up again…


His hands are entirely too large.

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Well and good, but if impeaching Trump depends on Trump’s numbers dropping below Congress’s…

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I kinda agree, push for hard deregulation in red states, well past what republicans are instinctively comfortable with, and allow the market to consume the conservative base.

It’s time to put up or shut up.

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