Drinking a bottle of Coca-Cola from 1956

Because the Bureau of Soft Drinks, Tobacco, and Firearms has no jurisdiction outside of Futurama.


I would assume it is formulated to compliment the sweetener. Cane sugar remains a cheaper option in Mexico, a nation without quite the same King Corn subsidies as the US domestic market. Also cane sugar stays in reach because gringos will pay like 2 bucks a bottle for the stuff!. Market driven for the big players is my point.

Also, HFCS came in around a time that the US was having problems with sugar plantations on a certain island nation just off the coast of Florida.

It’s only when corn prices spiked here the other year that cane sugar soda from large producers became a thing again in the US. Currently the pricing is about even, so I expect pepsi to keep making the throwbacks. I don’t expect HFCS to go away without a Jenny McCarthy… why couldn’t she have focused on something actually unhealthy!!!


well cane sugar or hfcs a 12oz coke has more sugar than an adult needs in a day so I am good with paying $1+ for a bottle just to remind myself it is a treat/drug and not something to have every day.


My liver doesn’t see them as equivalent. The latter is a lot more work to extract energy from, and puts undue strain on other systems. Cane sugar is true empty calories.

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If I am gonna abuse my liver I would rather do it with a double of good whiskey or a nice IPA.


Fantastic, our livers are designed to help you get up to like 25% of your calories from alcohol, if you wish. System is evolved to accommodate that. That’s the very gearing that HFCS mucks with and unbalances. We’re not evolved for HFCS. Alcohol is really better than empty calories!

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Should’ve gone for Nuka-Cola.

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I’ve never even had more than, like, a mouthful of Coca Cola in my life…

Oh, fuck off already.

I would say a mold, some kind of fungus…

There looks to be cork… Oooh it’s cork…

Fuck off again. fer chrissakes, this guy…

Mexico doesn’t have an embargo on Cuban sugar, like the US which had high tariffs even before Castro.

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Come to Canada :smiley:

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Find me a tenure track position in American history or studies, and I might take you up on that! :wink:


This reminds me of Ensign Pulver’s Coca Cola bottle in Mister Roberts.

Not sure if typo, or just a cunning linguistic trick.

My grandmother canned all her veggies and bought in bulk when there were sales. She had a room in the basement that a doomsday prepper would envy. I remember once in 1988 she served us some coke with lunch - a rare treat - and I got a look at the bottle. It referenced the 1980 Olympics! It was rather flat and barely drinkable but maybe that was partly due to the gross-out factor. I was telling my 10 year old this story just a couple of days ago after he informed me that we had a bottle of coke in our garage fridge that had been there since a Christmas party (we obviously don’t drink much of the stuff). I can’t wait to show him this.


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