Drug price-hiker Martin Shkreli arrested on fraud charge

Tragic. Really.


Sometimes I wish we had three possible results from a trial, ā€œInnocent,ā€ ā€œGuilty,ā€ and ā€œObviously Guilty As Hell.ā€ And I wish we could get rid of capital punishment, except for assholes like Marty for all the crap heā€™s obviously done.

Oh well.

I knew thereā€™s something fishy with him.

Think this is true to all corporate elites?


The ultimate long con.

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Shamelessly stolen from a post elsewhere:

ā€œI was going to sell him some sympathy, but the price just went up. Wayyyyy up.ā€


Sociopath is a sociopath.

Iā€™m kind of wondering if thereā€™s a deeper connection here. Like, maybe there was someone behind the curtain saying, ā€œOooo, Iā€™m going to get you committed of fraud, and for good measure Iā€™m going to totally wreck your reputation! Just watch me!ā€

Of course, itā€™s entirely possible that heā€™s really just a terrible person capable of both committing fraud and doing terrible things with drug prices and the timing is just a coincidence. But itā€™s been just such a spectacular hatchet job. Monsanto is going to start looking better at this rate.

Anyway, how about a little more variety for those lead pics, eh? Youā€™d think heā€™s the picture of a respectable businessman at every other moment the way that one pic keeps getting reused. Itā€™s evidently not at all difficult to find pictures of this guy that make him look odious.

I understand the German word is ā€œBackpfeifengesichtā€.


I hope he really really wanted to see The Force Awakens and hadnā€™t seen it yet.


I hope his future cellmate is watching it RIGHT NOW and canā€™t keep his damn mouth shut.


Oh, come now.

Torture canā€™t be condoned, no matter what the perpetrator did to deserve it.

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Torture would be moving in with Jake Lloyd (car theft? Who knows?) who then wouldnā€™t shut up about how Episode I was actually the best in the entire series.



Posting-Posturing-Pics while hurting people who hurt everyday anyway is cruel, inhuman, and offensive. Bust that prick.

P.s. I like what I just did there, please forgive my personal indulgence, my digital masturbation, but reply to self: Well done, Sherlock. Prick busted.

It can be both.

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Wellā€¦ maybe a pillar in his community, if everything our christian brethren say is true

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For some people, the stocks seem like an understated and merciful punishment:

Lawyer for Martin Shkreli Hikes Fees Five Thousand Per Cent


If only karma could help him feel as miserable as the sick people heā€™s tried to squeeze for cash

Fucker has our new Wu-Tang.