Elections 2023 and 2024 (Part 1)

One of the dozens of reasons Harris is the only option.


The media is on their side. The billionaires are on their side. The police are on their side. The courts are on their side. And, apparently, our side is on their side. Why the everliving fuck can’t we have anybody that represents us? Aren’t we supposedly the majority, and they’re the fringe loons?


What. The. Fuck. I’m so in shock right now I can’t even formulate any coherent thoughts on this.

Harris better become the nominee. That’s the only choice that makes sense. Biden has just officially endorsed her. Republicans have been “threatening” us about a Harris presidency for years now. I’m ready for it.

I don’t think this is the end. I think this can be a very good thing. But I just don’t know. I don’t like all this chaos. I don’t like it at all. It doesn’t feel right that Biden who has been by all metrics a very good president has to fall on his sword like this. I blame the media for this, not Biden.

At least nobody will be talking about Trump or the RNC for a while, or asking “should Biden drop out” anymore.


Angry Cobra Kai GIF by NETFLIX


Angry Amy Sedaris GIF by truTV’s At Home with Amy Sedaris


Vomit Barf GIF


Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.

Samuel Johnson, The Life of Samuel Johnson LL.D. Vol 3

This will either focus the attention of anyone left of Ghengis Khan, or destroy us utterly. Fuck, i hate living at a fulcrum of history, but here we are…


I really, really hope he was planning this and wanted to time it. Because yeah, he just sucked all the oxygen out of GOP airspace, and now hopefully everyone will be talking about President Harris, how she landed on her feet, and… and…

…all right, I need a day or three before I can actually deal with this.

But I’m not giving up. We need to win this one.


I can’t lie. I’m scared.


Bored Will And Grace GIF by Cameo


Demi Lovato Pizza GIF


There’s people here in Starbucks debating politics, and some asshat is arguing with a couple of older women about Roe v Wade (the guy thinks because abortion wasn’t allowed for the majority of this country, it wasn’t a good decision). I am going to lose it. I really am frighteningly close to losing it right now. My hands are literally shaking.


Anyone who isn’t is not paying attention. I am more angry than anything, but privilege and all. Never a time this was more appropriate.

13, the beast is rising
The Frenchman did surmise
Through earthquakes and starvation
The warlord will arise
Terror, death, destruction
Pour from the eastern sands
But the truth of all predictions
Is always in your hands
No point asking when it is
No point asking who’s to go
No point asking what’s the game
No point asking who’s to blame
'Cause if you’re gonna die (if you’re gonna die)
You’re gonna die (if you’re gonna die)
If you’re gonna die (if you’re gonna die)
If you’re gonna die

Not going quietly, me


Take a deep breathe, and then a nice calming sip of your coffee… then march over there and beat the hell out of that asshat… :grin: Okay, don’t do that last part. You could politely set him straight tho…


I have my earbuds in now studying for the bar, but it looks like the three ladies are giving him hell, so I think it’s in hand. He sounds like a know-it-all, though.


Just a thought, but along the lines earlier of focus, if this brings women to the forefront, it would be a very good thing.


Kamala was always a wonderful option for president and now she’ll have a powerful chance to prove it. All the luck of the cosmos to her! And Biden, who could hardly have risen in my estimation has done so even further. Today he’s joined a rarefied nigh sainthood of selfless national politicians. So proud of them both! This is progressive politics, the absolute opposite of the me me me, “only I can save you!” cult of republicans.


I really hope so. I won’t be relaxing until she’s officially announced (even though, as everyone says, she’s the only one who makes sense). If that happens, maybe this will turn out okay by November.


It was indeed an incredibly selfless and dare I say patriotic thing to do. It’s one hell of a gamble and I hope for all our sakes it pays off. If it does, we can look back on this moment come November 6 with pride. Right now it’s just too raw and there’s too much additional uncertainty on top of what was already an incredibly stressful time.

