Elections 2023 and 2024 (Part 1)

“Somebody will send me something and I’ll go ‘Holy cow, did you see this?’,” he said, describing how he credulously forwards fake content to his children, only for them to have to correct him. (Kennedy said that, unlike him, his children can identify fake images “immediately.”)

Crossing this here.


I hope his children send him his own misinformation - “this is bullshit, too, Dad!”


Changed my mind, he sounds like he would be a great president. /S!!?!


Now we’re talking!


We were hanging out last night at a giant car cruise. An occasional trump or don’t tread on me flag drove by but mostly politics free.

Then a convertible with 2 women maybe in their 50s drove by. They had a maga sign and a bullhorn.

“Stop the steal” the family next to us cheered them on including their little kids.

“We’re going to win if they don’t steal it again.”

I yelled back, “You mean count the votes?”

It went down hill from there, they started calling me and Kamala names. They had a bullhorn so I just smiled and waved. They got mad and drove off.


He thinks white women don’t raise kids but that all Indian women do? Like it’s a unique feature in other cultures that doesn’t exist elsewhere or something? He things raising kids is weird quirk of Indian culture and not something people often expect and plan for?

I know it’s weeb/orientalism weirdness and misogyny but… ick.


Stacey Abrams has a podcast!!!



“Americans should be deeply concerned that Governor Walz, Kamala Harris’s vice-presidential running mate, has a longstanding and cozy relationship with China. …The American people deserve to fully understand how deep Governor Walz’s relationship with China goes,” Comer said in a statement.

Good idea, Mr. Comer. I have another person whose cozy relationship with China you may want to investigate. They’re a former member of the Trump administration that may have significant influence on candidate Trump should he win, and who made several business deals in China that appear suspicious.

I’d love to see one of Comer’s colleagues publicly ask him to investigate Ivanka Trump using phrasing very similar to Comer’s. [Indeed, Ivanka’s dealing are much more concerning than Governor Walz’s, as her took place while she was actively a part of the administration while the article makes it sound like Gov. Walz’s took place well before he became the VP nominee.]


He taught English in China for a year back in the time before it all went to shit. I hardly think that is the gotcha they think it is.


Certainly not. He’s met the Dalai Lama and the Hong Kong democracy campaigner Joshua Wong.

For a while, it seemed that no one from Congress would turn up to meet Joshua Wong, the bespectacled – and now imprisoned – student leader who was flying to Washington for a briefing organised by the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC), a government agency.

Shortly before the event, however, a congressperson from Minnesota agreed to come. “He took the podium and he just talked … at least for six or seven minutes, just non-stop,” remembered Jeffrey Ngo, a US-based Hong Kong activist who helped to organised the session. Unlike other congresspeople who normally rely on written notes, he “spoke from his heart” about the importance of human rights and democracy in Hong Kong, Ngo said. “I just remember thinking that he really knew his stuff.”

Walz’s ongoing support for human rights in China, including places considered especially sensitive by the Chinese Communist party (CCP) are at odds with Republican attempts to portray him as being pro-Beijing.

In 2009, long before human rights abuses in Xinjiang were a mainstream issue in Washington, Walz spoke of a “culturacide” – cultural genocide – taking place there and in Tibet.

In 2016, he met the Dalai Lama, an experience he described as “life-changing”. That same year he brought students from Minnesota to meet with the leader of the Tibetan government in exile. Beijing regularly condemns any foreign leaders who meet with the Tibetan spiritual leader.


It’s straight fucked that this needs to happen…

I am unsurprised it’s cobb. I wonder about my suburban county, which has some of the same dynamics as cobb… :sob: I’ve never seen anything weird at my polling place (which also serves as an early voting location). I do worry more about further north in my county…


At least there is an attempt to address the problem. I suspect true MAGAts would be very happy to let them fend for themselves.


Agreed. It’s just upsetting that it’s necessary. I also worry about a spike in violence in non-Democratic parts of the state, or more rural Democratic parts of the state for that matter (just south of us in the Black belt such as in Hancock county).




What? Everyone remembers the enthusiasm, excitement and cheering crowds that Hillary inspired, right? Just like Harris.


This is a whole different ballgame, and needs to be recognized as such. We are not going back! We are not going back into that defensive crouch we have been in for way too many years! Forward and upward, man. Only forward and upward.


I love love love this. Their rapport, their genuine emotions, their casual conversation. It’s just two normal people who love America and want to make it a better place for everyone. No bluster, no insults, no pettiness. It’s all so relatable and wholesome.

I said it in another topic but I’ll repeat it here: I could never see Trump and Vance doing anything like this. I doubt they ever even really talk at all. What would they even talk about? They have basically nothing in common other than their capacity to be bullies.


Tales of when you don’t pay your bills and skimp on maintenance.


Who’s using the government to attack political opponents?

Oversight Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) on Friday announced that he is opening an investigation into Walz’s work related to China

Side note, I tried links to various stories, this is the only one that generated a preview.