Elections 2023 and 2024 (Part 1)

It exposes how much support and enthusiasm there is for white men in leadership and how friendly other communities of people are to white men in general.

One big self-deception for right wing men is that everyone hates them because they are white men.

Walz makes it clear that the problem is with their antisocial behaviors and actions as opposed to their race or gender.



So Faux News folk were trying to get him to face facts? I guess that’s a welcome change.


Hard to believe that headline writer didn’t go with Nope instead of No.


Pretty naked attempt



I fricking love that cover.


One would hope this would give him some clue as to who actually wants him in the race, and why. Or, it could just be an ego trip, eh?


Robert Reich makes great points to share with folks who say voting doesn’t matter:

Vote Democracy GIF by Global Citizen



JFC, Graham, you’ve known Trump for HOW LONG now… you really believe he’s going to magically pivot into a guy who talks policy in front of his fawning (and shrinking) crowds, ya dipshit… Just admit you bet on the wrong horse, FFS…





“If you have a policy debate, he wins.

Really? Then why is all the Project 2025 stuff running away Lindsey?



Also, it’s just not gonna happen. Trump isn’t going to change now. But they can’t admit that.


Precisely. What policy is he going to talk about that is going to win over new voters who aren’t his base? Yelling about immigrants isn’t policy - and he lost the plot there when he shot down the bipartisan immigration bill. The problem with talking about policy is that it gets into specifics, which he’s never had a relationship with, and it opens up the conversation about what Biden has accomplished, and Harris with him.



He was at that point in 2015… :woman_shrugging:


When did twitter start allowing 6 million characters in tweets?

Marge has gone completely bonkers today.

Joe Biden MUST be impeached and today’s report released by the Oversight, Ways and Means, and Judiciary Committees proves it.

In January 2021, on his first full day in office, I filed articles of impeachment against Joe Biden for his abuse of power, corruption, and quest to enrich himself and his family through his political office detailing some of the offenses produced in today’s report.

That was over 3 years ago and my first month in Congress.

I outlined exactly the crimes he committed throughout his political career, especially the illegal foreign pay to play schemes. Joe Biden should have been impeached then, but Nancy Pelosi had the gavel.

Instead of holding the Biden crime family accountable, less than two weeks after I filed articles of impeachment, Nancy Pelosi and 11 FOOLISH Republicans voted to kick me off committees.

Since then, I have introduced more articles of impeachment against Joe Biden for additional impeachable acts like his violation of border security laws, unconstitutional COVID mandates, and the failed and deadly withdrawal in Afghanistan.

I’m proud to hold the record number of impeachment articles against Joe Biden and his criminal acts because I believe in accountability. That’s why, among other reasons, I’ve been extremely frustrated with this Congress. Our Republican majority should have already impeached Biden, but that doesn’t take away from the damning nature of this report and the hard work that has been put into producing it.

This report shines a light on just how corrupt Joe Biden and the Biden crime family have been for years and years. Selling Joe’s political influence to line their pockets while selling out our country.

These crimes must not go unpunished.

This report also proves Republicans right and shows just how badly Democrats will cling to power. Kamala Harris has stood beside Biden and protected him every step of the way. Harris and all the Democrats are so unified that they protect the biggest criminal in their party. Kamala Harris is virtually an accomplice at this point. She never did anything to stop Joe Biden until Democrats realized they were sure to lose the election, not because of his litany of crimes, but because Kamala and the Democrats could no longer hide Joe Biden’s severe age related mental decline.

So Kamala and her accomplices waged a coup against Biden forcing him out of the 2024 presidential race and Kamala became the Democrat candidate without ever receiving a single Democrat primary vote. Not only did Kamala cover up the Biden family crimes, she led a coup destroying democracy all in order to rise to the pinnacle of power in the United States.

This report is just an example of type of corruption and abuse of power that happens from the highest office in the land all the way down to city hall.

Politicians will keep abusing power. They will keep selling the people out. They will continue to abuse their office to enrich themselves.

Unless we actually do something about it.

Joe Biden and his family must be held accountable. Joe Biden must be impeached.

And perhaps most importantly, Republicans need to learn how to weld power, hold criminals accountable, work for America First, and stop living in fear constantly controlled by the never ending two year campaign election cycle.


Lies No GIF

What was your vote on TFG’s two impeachments again MT?


projector GIF