Elections 2023 and 2024

That is frighteningly realistically plausible. I suspect, though, that the majority of it is narcissistic egotistical assholes recognizing fellow frat members. Way too many of those in politics as is, anyway. It figures he would attract some of them who are too short-sighted to recognize that no, they are not smart enough or special enough to avoid the fate that awaits every damned one of the folks who have done this previously. But every moth thinks that it will be the one to avoid the flame.



Stand Up What GIF by 800 Pound Gorilla Media


To wit: Ms. Harris was too weak to win the Democratic primary contest that year. She was too weak to keep from telling the left practically everything it wanted to hear when she ran in 2019. She is too weak to hold open town-hall events or do extensive ā€” or, at the moment, any ā€” sit-down media interviews.

She has jettisoned myriad positions since 2019 and 2020 without explanation because she is a shape-shifting opportunist who can and will change on almost anything when politically convenient. Even if what sheā€™s saying is moderate or popular, she canā€™t be trusted to hold to it once sheā€™s in office.

She didnā€™t do more as vice president to secure the border or to address inflation because she didnā€™t care enough about the consequences for ordinary people. She doesnā€™t care if her tax policies will destroy jobs. She has been part of an administration that has seen real wages stagnate while minimizing the problem because the party line matters to her more than economic reality for working Americans.

You get the point. There is plenty for the Trump campaign to work with along these lines.

In other words, all Trump has to do is lie, lie, and lie some more, and he can win a contest of character? Ok, go for it, motherfucker. Heā€™s been doing that already and heā€™s losing, so sureā€¦do more of it. See how that works out for you.

What a weird op-ed.


An editor of the National Review? Weird?

Pretends To Be Shocked Fake Shock GIF by AIDES


Iā€™m pretty sure nothing about that op-ed that has any relevance to reality.


Thatā€™s not just wrong itā€™s bizarre. Trumpā€™s character is so intrinsically and naturally repulsive that it acts as a test of faith for the initiated.


I donā€™t knowā€¦ i guess they think ā€œthis time, for sure, itā€™ll be differentā€ and yet the football will get yankedā€¦

If you remember from the Jan. 6th hearings, the young lady who worked forā€¦ some dude? Her name was Cassidy something? Hutchinson? Anyway, she talked about how when she got the call to testify, that they Trump people tried to bribe her with a jobā€¦ I can imagine once she did flip, she probably got some threatsā€¦ we also know that lots of people have said that they get threats and thatā€™s why theyā€™ve not spoken out. Theyā€™re putting their own safety (and presumably, that of their familly) ahead of democracy and their constituentsā€¦ Iā€™m not sure if any of this is the case with the people coming out to back him now, but it could beā€¦ a bribe or a threatā€¦ We know that Trump is/has threatening Kemp, for example, and while his wife has said she wonā€™t vote for Trump, Kemp refuses to say anything other than heā€™ll support his partyā€™s nominee. Party over country. I assume also that they know if they cross Trump, they have no future in the party. They saw it with Kinzinger and Cheneyā€¦

Itā€™s wild to me that so many people are willing to put all of us and our democracy at risk for that fuckerā€¦ but here we areā€¦ :sob:

sorryā€¦ I think that was just some rambling thereā€¦




Right? I started reading that one yesterday, stopped after getting about halfway through, and then thought Jesus, the NYT will publish just about any old crap now!


I keep saying that most victims donā€™t come forward, like to the point where I feel it becomes a stupid catchphrase. Butā€¦ blackmail and extortion are probably exponentially more common than people think.

I think coming forward is the rare thing. You have to run flood lights and host a party to get most people comfortable risking what they havenā€™t lost yet for some one elseā€™s good.



In Kennedyā€™s press conference announcing his endorsement of Trump his exact words were

The power of optimism and wishful thinking is strong, but Iā€™m not sure that even Charlie Brown is as gullible as RFK Jr is claiming to be here.


Of course, to his ā€œthinking,ā€ this will be accomplished by eliminating vaccines and the ā€œhorrible epidemic of vaccine injuriesā€ that he blames for, well, pretty much everything. As a long-time veteran of the vaccine wars, I have a special kind of hell reserved for RFKjr and his ilk, for the suffering and death they have left in their wake. I donā€™t care if itā€™s brain worms, drugs or senility, he is a clear and present danger to all that we have accomplished in terms of public health over the last 70 years, and I despise him for it.


Angry Gi Joe GIF


I mean, for their sakes alone at least I hope some of them have?


Belleā€™s getting fired upā€¦