Elections 2023 and 2024


They’re (the researchers they spoke to) suggesting Developmental Visual-Spatial Disorder, which does seem to describe the disorder much better.


As one of the aforementioned, this is true. Not sure where the term was coined, but seriously confusing, which is not ideal.


From Slacktivist:

I’ve written before about Dorothy Thompson’s mordant, insightful 1941 essay “Who Goes Nazi?” (see “Humility Is Not Humiliation“), which is always worth re-reading. But as others have recently pointed out, Thompson’s profile of “Mr. C.” almost reads like an excerpt from Hillbilly Elegy:

Mr. C is a brilliant and embittered intellectual. He was a poor white-trash Southern boy, a scholarship student at two universities where he took all the scholastic honors but was never invited to join a fraternity. His brilliant gifts won for him successively government positions, partnership in a prominent law firm, and eventually a highly paid job as a Wall Street adviser. He has always moved among important people and always been socially on the periphery. His colleagues have admired his brains and exploited them, but they have seldom invited him—or his wife—to dinner.

He is a snob, loathing his own snobbery. He despises the men about him—he despises, for instance, Mr. B—because he knows that what he has had to achieve by relentless work men like B have won by knowing the right people. But his contempt is inextricably mingled with envy. Even more than he hates the class into which he has insecurely risen, does he hate the people from whom he came. He hates his mother and his father for being his parents. He loathes everything that reminds him of his origins and his humiliations. He is bitterly anti-Semitic because the social insecurity of the Jews reminds him of his own psychological insecurity.

Pity he has utterly erased from his nature, and joy he has never known. He has an ambition, bitter and burning. It is to rise to such an eminence that no one can ever again humiliate him. Not to rule but to be the secret ruler, pulling the strings of puppets created by his brains. Already some of them are talking his language—though they have never met him.


Animated GIF


So Tromp gains another 8 or 9 votes. :person_shrugging:


Her dad’s cult, you mean? Yeah, probably.


Wow, “abuse of power” eh, Tulsi?

Well thank goodness we don’t have a track record of :tangerine: :clown_face: ever doing that, even one single time, ever! /s x 1023

I mean, just try to imagine what that could possibly look like! /s
I know, I know, it’s really hard to imagine but just try! /s

As If Eye Roll GIF by MOODMAN


Perfectly normal day in Trumpland





Pedro Laughing GIF by Brand MKRS creative agency


Democrats, with the backing of Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign, on Monday sued to blockcontroversial new election rules in Georgia that they warned could lead to post-election “chaos” in the presidential battleground state in November.


Ah so two of the people most often accused of running just to waste dem money and time at the behest of foreign powers? I’m not surprised either of them is a shill for the Grand ol’ Pedos.


So he’s going to have someone on his transition team who has literally never held public office before. Yeah, that tracks.

I will never understand these people who were once anti-Trump flipping and stumping for him. A lot of people have done that over the last 8 years, and to my knowledge, not a single one of them has benefited from the arrangement. Trump does not reward disloyalty, and he sees any opposition as disloyalty. Maybe Kellyanne Conway benefited. But even she isn’t in his inner circle anymore. And she lost her marriage over it, and almost lost her relationship with her daughter. Are these people all just that stupid, or am I missing something?


i think it’s not what ■■■■■ gives them, it’s what the ecosystem that’s coalesced around ■■■■■ gives them. likes, views, tv appearances, speaking arrangements, book deals, crypto currency showing up mysteriously in their wallets ( presumably )

they might well know that it’s gambling. that they’re as likely to get burned as to hit it big. but like gamblers ( probably ) they think they’re clever enough to beat the odds.

hopefully it’s a jail transition team. so their experience could be more relevant than it seems


He’s the only US President in history who had literally never held public office or any position of public service before, so not exactly shocking in that context…


And greedy. Combined with a certain streak of entitlement, they feel the world owes them.
What exactly the world is supposed to owe them and why I do not know.


I suspect some of them are being blackmailed. Let’s not forget that 45 has called publicly for unethical folks to dig up dirt and deliver it to him. That wasn’t just for his opponents, either. He’s very much the type to keep his minions in line by threatening to expose things about them, and with all the unverified skeletons in his own closet he probably sees it as a promise of mutually assured destruction.