Elections 2023 and 2024

When did the Green Party become libertarian? I say that because the only explanation I can come up with for why someone in the Green Party would claim that Democrats are waging a war on Democracy, especially in connection with Jill Stein, is that they’re anti-vaxxer COVID deniers who think the government shouldn’t be able to mandate that people do anything. And that’s a libertarian view. And it’s the polar opposite of who the Green Party used to be.


At some point, the “green” in Green Party started to stand for…

Donald Duck Money GIF



Horror Nights Whynotboth GIF by Universal Destinations & Experiences


Recently Tim Walz’s estranged, Trumpy brother made some derisive comments about “the stories he could tell,” implying Tim was unsuitable for the job. The right-wing press jumped all over it and pressed the brother for details.

Turns out the worst story he could come up with was that when they were children nobody wanted to sit next to Tim on road trips because he would get car sick.


Hear tell he also gave his brother noogies! :scream:

bro Noogie GIF by CB30


Robert Reich asks if 45 is OK, and when news outlets will start asking the same question:


Jeff is the older brother so he’s almost certainly the one who gave Tim noogies.

I almost want Tim Walz to lean into this “scandal” with a press conference apologizing to VP Harris and the American public for not coming forward about the childhood car sickness story earlier.


Donald Trump was slamming his fist on the Resolute Desk and, once again, calling for blood.

It was the second year of his presidency, and Trump was seething about gang members and drug lords. He wanted to see their bodies piled up in the streets. Specifically, he sought a series of mass executions — with firing squads and gallows, and certainly without the quaintness of an appeals process — to send a chilling message about the scope of his power.

Trump, who’d taken office inveighing against “American carnage,” wanted to create some of his own.

This violent fantasy became an obsession, according to former Trump administration officials. The 45th president brought up the topic so often during the early years of his presidency that one former White House official tells Rolling Stone they lost count. “Fucking kill them all,” Trump would say. “An eye for an eye.” Other times he’d snap at his staff: “You just got to kill these people.” Invoking the brutality of dictatorial regimes that Trump wanted to emulate, he’d add, “Other countries do it all the time.”

For Trump, the spectacle was crucial. “He had a particular affinity for the firing squad,” says one of the former White House officials. He’d say, “They need to be eradicated, not jailed.” Administration officials privately referred to this demand as Trump’s “American death-squads idea,” comparing it to the drug-war bloodbath carried out by Filipino strongman Rodrigo Duterte. (The sources, some still very much within Trump’s circle, requested anonymity in order to speak candidly about sensitive conversations.)

That mass executions were not a feature of Trump’s term is a credit to the American justice system and the more sober-minded government officials who were unwilling to be complicit in his mad schemes. These aides and advisers typically put the president off, making vague promises to “look into” the idea, long enough to let Trump’s tyrannical tantrum blow over.

But if Trump defeats Vice President Kamala Harris this November, America will encounter a Trump unbound, a man whose darkest impulses will not be checked by “adults in the room” — ­creating potentially catastrophic consequences for the American experiment. “This election is about whether or not we remain a democratic society or we move to authoritarianism,” Sen. Bernie Sanders tells Rolling Stone , insisting that Trump “does not believe in the basic tenets and foundations of American democracy.”


Public service tin-foil hat assertion: you’ll see increasing front page stories on “polls tighten!” “they’re now neck and neck!” “trump now leads in southwest Nebraska!!!” etc… Now, if you planned on making an effort to declare the election a fraud (“All mail-in balloting is 107% fake!!!”) and hoped to get the election decided by Clarence Thomas (who has his “Trump Wins!” rubber stamp at the ready) you would lay the obfuscatory groundwork by having the (Heritage Foundation/Russian Oligarch third party funded) polls declare rather than having Harris with a decent lead, that it was instead "neck and neck!" wouldn’t you?



God, they had a guy on NPR this week trying to make it seem like this “economic plan” isn’t a steaming pile of hot garbage… Like… WTF…


I’m far from the United States, but from what I’m seeing, Mr. Trump has already given up on getting new votes, changing the panorama in the Swing States, etc. He is just trying to appeal His base and keep His traditional votes. It seems the plan isn’t winning the election, but crying It was rigged ALL the time and… I have no Idea what would He get doing this as I am not a stable Genius.


I hope one of the moderators at tomorrow’s debate asks Trump - are you a convicted felon?


Well, surely some conservatives, including maybe Tromp himself, think they’ll be able to steal the election, pulling in even the SCOTUS in the effort if that’s what it takes.


Gift article:


You’re paying better attention than some Americans! :laughing:

In addition to that, loyalists are being put in positions to refuse to certify the election in some states (like in my state of Georgia - with 3 trumpists on the election board of my state, with one other normal republican and one democrat). The plan is to delay certification and find a friendly judge to find a way to flip the vote if they lose in some of the swing states… There is even a Trumpist in the election board in my county (in suburban ATL) looking to make trouble… We’ll see if all that has any impact… I hope not!