Elections 2023 and 2024

The DOJ said the former president’s lawsuit made against the Michigan governor in July should be dismissed in a motion released on September 20. The department wrote that the lawsuit “failed to identify any concrete or particularized injury that flows from two Federal agencies providing nonpartisan voter registration services that many Federal, State, and local offices also provide.”

Billie Eilish Rainbow GIF by Patricia Battles


Trump says “that will be it”

Translation(?): “No need to worry. If you elect me in 2024, I won’t attempt to extend my time in office, in spite of the many times I have expressed my desire to be a dictator.”


We also need to push back against GOP efforts emphasizing instant (Election Day) results. They’ve been successful in preventing counting of ballots before election day in too many states. They already made it clear they plan to claim there was fraud if their candidate appears to be in the lead that night, but loses in the final count.

Not only are voters in need of an education on this, but also the media. Too many news outlets play into GOP strategy by trying to be the first to predict the winner. :thinking: Whose idea was it to turn the evening into a circus of exit polls and :crystal_ball: pundits, anyway?


That preview of the Politifact article seems to indicate the exact opposite of what the article actually says. It appears to say that the statement “It takes longer than 24 hours to count votes” is false. Unfortunate considering that the entire goal of Politifact is to clear up what’s true and what’s not.


Do you mean the Instagram post they are debunking? I have a lot of filters on in my browser, so I’m double-checking.


He really must be upset to issue a formal statement.

September 23, 2024

Statement by President Donald J. Trump

BREAKING: The Kamala Harris/Joe Biden Department of Justice and FBI are mishandling and downplaying assassination attempt on my life since July. The charges brought against the maniac assassin are a slap on the wrist. It’s no wonder, since the DOJ and FBI have been coming after me nonstop with Weaponized Lawfare since I announced my first Historic Campaign for the Presidency.

From Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, Iran, Iran, Iran, Impeachment Hoax Number One, Impeachment Hoax Number Two, to the Lawless Documents Hoax brought after an Illegal and unConstitutional Raid of my home, on which I a suing the DOJ for their wrongful acts, to the January 6th Hoax in Washington, D.C., where the J6 Unselect Committee illegally deleted and destroyed all Documents, the Manhattan D.A.'s Zombie Case, the New York A.G. Scam, illegally Spying on my Campaign, to censoring the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell, which was criminally led by the fake 51 Intelligence Officials who lied and claimed it was “Russian Interference and Disinformation,” while the Laptop was, in fact, Hunter Biden - Not Russia, and exposed Crooked Joe and his family for their decades of grift - and many lawless, Radical attacks against their Political Opponent, ME.

The DOJ and FBI have a Conflict of Interest since they have been obsessed with “Getting Trump” so long. It’s very difficult to trust the Biden/Harris DOJ/FBI to investigate the assassination attempts, due to Election Interference and the FAKE CASES brought against me, including their control over local D.A.s and A.G.s. Shockingly, after bullet went through my ear on that fateful day in Butler, Pennsylvania, the FBI Director went before Congress. falsely said that it may not have been a bullet, “It was just glass or shrapnel” - a lie condemned by even my worst enemies. What he said was. disgraceful, especially since it was witnessed LIVE by millions of people, and he was forced to immediately retract.

If the DOJ and FBI cannot do their job honestly and without , and hold the aspiring assassin responsible to the full extent of the Law, Governor Ron DeSantis and the State of Florida have already agreed to take the lead on the investigation and prosecution. Florida charges would be much more serious than the ones the FBI has announced. The TRUTH would be followed, wherever it leads. OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM IS CORRUPT AND DISCREDITED, especially as it pertains to the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. LET FLORIDA HANDLE THE CASE!


This is how it appears on my screen:


Wow. Does he really think any members of his cult would ever read that many words at once?


oh, yes. and they will parrot it back - copy and paste verbatim - on every unchallenged social media platform ad nauseum.


Oh my,

We’re camping in very nice rustic campground for a few weeks.

Everyone around us is very nice. We just had a very pleasant conversation with an older couple staying next to us. No politics, just camping and family type talk.

Until the end, they’re from Florida, thank goodness they had DeSantis to get them through the hurricanes and the job he did with covid was amazing.

They don’t know what they’ll do in two years when his term is up.

We bit our tongues because they were very nice people. But wow.


(Yahoo reprint|)


oh, FFS! I’m gonna guess panhandle, north-central florida, or the villages, even. they love MoRon up there.
sorry your lovely conversation had to go there, and kudos to you for the handling that without damaging the calm of your campsite.
you’re a better man than i.


Central Florida, I thought they said Windermere, I think.

My brain went into wtf mode when they said he did a good job with covid.


Something set him off bigly today, and it’s not how the Feds are handling the would-be assassin (being held without bail, multiple charges going to grand jury, possible life sentence). I’m guessing it’s his stock price (closed at $12.15, woot!). If it goes below $10 I predict he starts physically assaulting JD.


Yeah, additional charges are coming too. What more could be expected at this point? The charges are pretty serious. Certainly no “slap on the wrist” if convicted.



His family crest should read: Projection, distraction, tantrum.


Today I learned we’re sending ballots overseas to everyone.

The Democrats are talking about how they’re working so hard to get millions of votes from Americans living overseas. Actually, they are getting ready to CHEAT! They are going to use UOCAVA to get ballots, a program that emails ballots overseas without any citizenship check or verification of identity, whatsoever. (Foreign interference?) Remember they say, we have the “most secure elections in history,” and anyone can get a ballot emailed to them! They want to dilute the TRUE vote of our beautiful military and their families, who Comrade Kamala has totally disrespected and abandoned. Republicans must act to stop them from stealing our military votes. WATCH! Remember, IF YOU VOTE ILLEGALLY, YOU’RE GOING TO JAIL.


Not only that, anyone can get a ballot emailed to them!

donald trumps GIF


Got to be in Latin!


Proiectura, distractio, tantrum.

(According to Google.)