Elon Musk and Joe Rogan smoke out

marijuana was pushed to be made illegal by the cotton industry and we’re just starting to reverse that perspective.

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Hey, everybody! All I was remarking on was Rogan’s shaved head.


That sums of the clip above well - the questions he asks just seem childish, like what a 16-year-old that’s taken a high school philosophy class would think is profound.


He took a puff and DIDN’T EVEN INHALE. Fakey Fakerton!


Hey it was real enough for his business executives lol. Boy these corporate types are snowflakes.

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So, just read that Tesla drug tests its workers.



The disturbing thing about Rogan is that he is occasionally correct. But his hits and misses are so well interspersed as to make his hits irrelevant. He has that paleo-Libertarian streak that makes him question/ridicule organized religion and some established scientific principle (“I mean, there’s no evidence for either, right?”)

Also, he has the habit of recognizing his ignorance about an area of knowledge… and then proceeding to opine on that subject and/or tell his listeners why that subject is not useful.

Obviously, he’s got a more robust intellect than Alex Jones, Trump, Palin, etc. but so what? How difficult is that? If I’ve got Preet Bharara/Benjamin Wittes/etc. on my podcast list, why would I ever need a Joe Rogan?


This is basically my take, with the addendum that Joe Rogan seems to believe literally anything he is told by a famous person on his show and that will be the hill he dies on for a short while before being corrected by another famous person and uttering a non-pology and moving on. The guy has a curioisity that some like to attribute to intellect, but really it just means he legitimately believes in big foot (some time ago) - and then (this year) goes on an anti-big-foot rant.


I had not listened until about a week ago, but then I binge listened during a cross country drive. He has recorded a bunch of shows, and some of them were people or subjects that do not interest me. However, the show with Chuck Palahniuk was really interesting, among others. I like that often the show goes in a direction that I would not expect, given the guest. The Dan Carlin episode was enjoyable for me as well. That is what initially got me to download it, as I am a big fan of Hardcore History.
I also like long podcasts, and both Rogan and Carlin do episodes that can exceed three hours. That allows them to get into real detail on the subject manner, and it allows me to sort of zone out of the tedium of driving for a few hundred miles without interruption.

quite the opposite, actually; he was once more or less a “truther”, but unlike jones he has the gift of self-reflect and in these days he is interviewing debunkers like mick west from metabunk

and for the weed-smoking musk; its legal in california, right? so whats all the fuss about?!? I honestly dont get it.


not really. at least not anymore.


I don’t actually give a s… about the pot-smoking, and I don’t think other people should either. It’s even legal where he does it, and he’s obviously not used to it at all. I don’t think he has a good reason to care what the board think.

Now, his unfounded accusations against cave divers, his megalomania, Tesla’s notoriously lousy working conditions, … that’s what I’d worry about.


The consensus seems to match my own hot take, that this “Joe Rogan” is keen to talk about interesting stuff, but has no critical viewpoint, so why would you seek him out to expand your horizons? In my experience, people like this mistake “instantly embracing every idea” for intellectual curiosity, so if they talk to someone truly interesting, I come away frustrated because every time the guest says something I want to interrogate, the host just barks and wags their tail, which puts the guest onto a humility footing, so that they don’t expand any further because it would sound like fishing.

Ideas make you smarter, but only if you chew them up and digest them. If you just lick them, you end up hungry and unsatisfied.


Normally they handle that mid-life crisis by buying a fancy car.

Musk must have serious over-compensation issues. (Giant rockets, woah eh!)

Oh I think that is exactly the sort of thing one should do. Unlike a lot of media you aren’t being told what to think. Now again, I have heard maybe 10 hrs worth of show, but it seems to me he is willing to have multiple view points on the show and separately. This means he is talking with people, not people taking at each other. CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc they all have people on the shows with critical view point but it mainly consists of shallow discussion with pundits hammering their views.

In general the discussions are more organic. His opinion gets interjected, and he isn’t afraid to counter a guests view point, but he also allows them to have it and it generally won’t devolve into bickering. I have heard lot more nuanced ideas and people willing to concede certain points while disagreeing which you generally never hear on other shows. I guess, yes, he doesn’t usually get confrontational, but confrontation will usually just bring up the rehearsed talking points. It is by no means perfect, but whether you agree with the guest or not, I think you a lot of time walk away with a more “real” take on the issue than if you listened to something on one of the cable news shows.

On the way home from work I some times just cruise by the local talk radio and see if I can tolerate listening for 10 min before flipping the channel. The discussions there are aren’t really discussions usually, it is one guy pontificating and he is clearly pushing an agenda. You might get a short disclaimer that “they don’t agree with everything Trump says” but then does to town fellating him. You want “frustration from wanting to interrogate”…


Yet another case of the elite getting a different standard than us proles…

Anyone remember Grand Master Flash’s White lines:


I feel violated by the implication that I was endorsing cable news or talk radio as places one might go to cultivate oneself


Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi?

Anyway, I still say he looks like Pee-wee Herman.

LOL. I am sorry, I didn’t mean to suggest you were - just using them as a contrast. Stay tubular! Er Tuberer…