Empty G's feelings are hurt when people mock her for 'Jewish Space Lasers'

I didn’t realize that she never actually said “ Jewish Space Lasers”. She, Gaetz and Boebert are so dopey that nothing would shock me.


Oh, I know the answer to this one! It is “Because the person creating the meme is Antisemitic!” :+1:


Thanks :+1: I hadn’t seen the meme that was being referenced.

Edited for comprehensibiltiy.

Edited again, to spell “comprehensibility” correctly.


Wow. That certainly shows they shouldn’t even be in the meme. That is practically nothing. I guess I withdraw my assertion of crony capitalism.

Though I am always surprised at the reported amounts donated on things like Open Secret. If donations do equal political favors, politicians are CHEAP compared with the other costs of doing business. Look at Goldman Sachs and how much they donate vs how much revenue they make per year.

The specific meme he saw, where Rothschilds Inc was prominently placed as influencing government, when it doesn’t appear they are donating to political causes.


I feel that it is fair to assume that, while she might not have actually said “Jewish Space Lasers”, on the balance of evidence, she meant “Jewish Space Lasers”. I mean, here is a person who feels it is okay to tell a teenager that he is lying about being involved in a school shooting.


Thanks for the clarification.

Indeed, politicians, the world over, appear to be very cheap to buy. I wonder if it would be effective to set up Go-Fund-Mes to “lobby” politicians in to supporting helpful legislation.


Fine, so long as they keep turning left.


“I just like to read a lot.”

I suppose that’s technically true, but I didn’t know the National Enquirer came in a large print basic English edition.



Setting aside for a moment the idiotic and insane conspiracy theorizing that has led to so much death and suffering and persecution…

What do those (again, admittedly insane) people think happens when a continent spends a thousand years banning everyone who isn’t Jewish from banking, but then continues to borrow money at interest to fund public and private activities (while also restricting the ability of the Jewish population to work in most other jobs and crafts and professions)?


It doesn’t have to make actual logical sense, but just some kind of emotional sense. Part of the history of anti-semitism in europe was that Jewish people were blamed for all sorts of things that they themselves did not cause. So, it was easy to make them a scapegoat for the ills of a society in the modern context. People were already used to seeing them as “outsiders” who had some power in society, because of them sometimes having connections to rulers for banking purposes.


Hurt but not mocked. I think she’s missing it.

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Long [but by no means complete] list snipped.

Surprisingly enough, she wasn’t lying.
She just doesn’t consider them to be people.
Those are all Others…


No, she never actually said the words “jewish space lasers” in that order. But what she said is WAY worse and makes her look WAY dumber. Frankly. I think summarizing it as “jewish space lasers” is being kind, in a “look at the rabbits, Lenny” kinda way.


Be careful what you wish for…


It’s like the SNL line associated with Sarah Palin: “I can see Russia from my house!”

Not literally her words, but a succinct paraphrase that gets straight to the core of the idiotic position that the person in question expressed.

(Man, I sure do miss they days when Palin seemed like the bottom of the barrel.)


Because antisemitism.


I thought that was probably the reason. :+1:

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See, that’s one of the many things I don’t get about these types. They are always on about how tough they are, how herculean, so much stronger than those limp-wristed liberals, and so on and so forth, endlessly.
And then, the moment you poke some fun at them, the wailing starts. Oh the (in)humanity, the injustice! The world entire is called to witness their suffering.
Makes one think that they are really the biggest, frailest snowflakes in the universe.


I actually think this is by design. If she screams like she’s being murdered when a cotton ball hits her toe, it makes it seem more reasonable when later when she screams that people being murdered are just overreacting or lying.

Thesis: MTG is a particularly bad person