Enraged gentleman drives his pickup through Walmart, causing $500,000 in damage

Huh. I didn’t know Rovers came in red.


The only acceptable way for a gentleman to smash a Rolls-Royce motorcar in a fit of anger is with another Rolls-Royce motorcar.

“Peter Sellers owned over 100 cars - including a string of Rolls-Royces. In 1968, in Belgravia, London, he accomplished the rare feat of crashing his silver Rolls-Royce (bought from Terrence Rattigan) into another Rolls-Royce, reportedly in a fit of anger about something his passenger, Miranda Quarry, had said.”
– Mike Fox and Steve Smith, Rolls-Royce - The Complete Works, Book Club Associates, London, 1984


We live in an age where such a statement requires a sarcasm tag. Unless, of course, it wasn’t.


Probably Walmart decided it wasn’t worth the added cost to them. Just like most of their workers are on welfare because they pay them so little.

According to Facebook, he’s a 19-year old African American man, recently graduated from high school, football player, and very short. His public posts are pretty normal. Bad day with a new batch of meth? Regardless, that was quite a handle to fly off of.

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I’d call him a douchebag


I don’t think I’d call him much of anything before finding out more about why he did what he did.


Unless he was trying to save the girl from a haunted Walmart i don’t foresee an explanation that makes him look reasonable.


Sure enough, but before attaching labels, I’d want a clear understanding of why he was unreasonable. I’ve had relatives with mental illness do similar things, and I never thought of calling them douchebags.

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I think trying to murder two people with a pickup truck is a jump in escalation beyond what i’m willing to forgive, a douchebag is the mildest thing i can call him.


I do believe we’ve reached an impasse. Have a nice day.

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Why is it nearly always a pickup truck?

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I know. I mean I have seen them outside of Family Dollar stores and they’re even more low end than Walmart.

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I was guessing it was the psychiatric section of the hospital.

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Geez, Caleb, Just because it’s a Ram truck doesn’t mean you can ram things with it!

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Because there are things you just can’t do with a Smart.

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One reason is that they are unbelievably inexpensive. $50 or $60 per week will lease you a brand hew one in the US.

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Informal polling amongst my friends over the years suggests skipping straight from ‘Big Red Truck’ sample to ‘something else is short’ conclusion for 100% correlation.


I subscribe to the theory of subversive rhetoric not unlike culture jamming.

We know that doing nothing isn’t working. So I’m for either more guns or less guns, I’m strongly against the current number of guns that we have.

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Well, yes; it’s a stupidly dangerous weapon. (it’s more of an man/jeep portable artillary piece than a firearm.) from what my research says, the operator’s daredevil attitude with these earned them the nickname ‘reckless rifles’. (they are still used for avalanche control in some areas, and while the US no longer uses it, other armies still do.)

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