Wait, this is the BBS. Why haven’t we debated the plural form of this yet?
Paging @anon87143080 …
Wait, this is the BBS. Why haven’t we debated the plural form of this yet?
Paging @anon87143080 …
I don’t think we’ve debated multiple members yet, just the repeated reattachment of (presumably) the same penis. Anyway penipodes sounds too close to pinipeds, so that plural form cannot receive my seal of approval.
Reminds me of a joke: what do you call an Irishman with six dicks? Shea ó Toole!
Shea - pronounced same as sé, the Irish number six
Tool - Irish slang for penis
I read the article and although he’s talking about dicks, it sounds like bollocks.
TIL about “jelqing”:
I would use the penis pump in the shower. I used that almost everyday from age 16 to 21. I tried jelqing and the extenders, too.
“Repenii” of course.
I was wondering about repenopodes.
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