Esquire interviews a man who supersized his penis with $16,000 surgery


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My understanding is that the lady travelled to meet him, which would mean the act happened at his place. To me it sounds most realistic that the toys were something she brought along with her to the date. A lady bringing sex toys along to your first date might not be the flex this guy thinks it is. And more pragmatically, it was most likely part of the modus operandi of a sex worker.


That’s rather assumptive, especially considering the source of the story is likely an unreliable narrator.


I think you’ll find the correct, medical term is repenisorisationment.

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I wouldn’t necessarily go that far; things like hip replacements are fairly popular and reasonably well regarded in terms of quality-of-life; and, because they are merely made out of fancy biocompatible engineering materials rather than self-healing replicator nanites, their only chance of lasting life-of-user comes from recipients skewing rather old.

That said, penile implants seem like a much more unnerving case: bone is mostly intended to be dimensionally stable; so you can get away with bolting stuff to it; and for things like the power supply/control unit on pacemakers you’ve got options in the torso where little biomedical lumps can remain reasonably undisturbed; but penile implants mean trying to find a place for some silicone amidst a bunch of nontrivial blood vessels and not dimensionally stable erectile tissue.

If anything, I’m surprised that they are getting 15-20 years.




If someone wants to do this to their own body, can afford it, and has been fully informed of the risks…hey, knock yourself out. My body certainly doesn’t have all its factory original parts, so I’m not judging anyone for that. What I will judge him for is the complete horse’s ass he clearly is based on his comments about sex and women. What a dick.




Is it safe for him to travel by plane with that, what with the cabin pressure changes?

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For one thousandth of that sum, a banana and some duct tape he could have has the same effect.

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I’m reminded of the immortal words of Eazy E " casue she’s addicted to what my dick did, the pain and pleasure the whingding inflicted" I mean, hey, you can’t deny that dude had mad flow!

Well, as they say, it’s not the years, it’s the mileage. And if I had to guess, this gentleman may get far less mileage as a result of this enhancement than what he’s imagining. So maybe it will last a lifetime!

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Possibly because there is no Penthouse magazine any more.

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Fewer sexist adolescent wank fantasies is probably a good thing.


No. He and his gf started using toys after he had his surgery. There was no mention of toys in relation to the chick who (he claimed) travelled from Georgia to bang him. Besides, they’d already hooked up in the past, so it wasn’t even a ‘first date’.

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Unfortunately, the purveyor of adolescent wank fantasies is now the internet…

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Hey, she got thousands of good inflatables jokes out of that. Maybe likes 8 oz. Coke cans like 5, 7% better. O papel, you brought the hydrogen economy for me?
Also, how will this doorman top this one regular salute?


Penile embolism? :grimacing:

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