Originally published at: Tech millionaire wants to restore his penis to its teenage virility with shockwave therapy | Boing Boing
Aiming to match a mythical teenage body with his immature teenage brain.
What a sad person he is.
Like - what did he do to his penis? I’m 47 and it’s more or less the same as when I was 18. The rest of my body, not so much…
Something about a lot of money makes this person think that it’s profound and important that he tell the world about his weak weenie problem.
eta: I mean, most people get their e-stim toys delivered in plain packaging.
Alternatively, one could embrace the inherent beauty of mortality and aging.
That’s a good one. How old are you, son?
Mines is low mileage, with one careful owner.
Evidence: multiple randomized controlled trials showed that shockwave therapy improves erectile dysfunction.
I thought that the object of his penial treatment would hope to achieve a reduction rather than an improvement in erectile dysfunction.
Dammm…you can buy A LOT of penis “juvenation” for $1-2k per week.
Or so I’ve been told.
But he overshot the mark and now has the penis of a 7 year old.
Christ, what a dickhead.
I was trying to imagine what a low-energy shockwave was. (like, just swaffelen? maybe shooting one’s dong with a blank at short range?)
from webmd:
developed in the 1960s… it was mostly used to break up painful kidney stones to make them easier for patients to pass.
Ah, there it is. Hmm.
Wow WAY too much information thanks
I think I saw Nocturnal Erections open for Ozzy once.
The first few songs were great, but they couldn’t keep it up.
I honestly first thought this was an Onion headline.
Late. Stage. Capitalism.
Not this asshole again.
Couldn’t he just buy a Lamborghini?
I heard an actual commercial for this treatment today, on a sports talk show. Sounded just as scammy as most radio commercials.
Too much money → no shame
Or maybe I’ve got the causality backwards…
If that’s the mechanism, he could get someone to punch him in the nuts for under a $1000.