🍊🍊🍊🤡🤡 Even More Trumpian Events 🤡🤡🍊🍊🍊 (Part 1)

She’s an idiot. Woodward released the tapes and you can hear the two of them discuss this. You can hear the two of them speaking at the same time, so they can’t claim the tapes are doctored.

(Apparently, Trump signed off on being recorded.)


We’re currently at the “the president would never shit himself” stage. “I SHAT MYSELF ON PURPOSE” is tomorrow.


It’s not shaping up to be a great news day for the president.

So many things are worse than the disease - the panic, the cure, the economic downturn, the president’s cratering poll numbers… it’s hard to keep it all straight.

I wish. I hope. But I will settle for seeing him charged with fraud and tax evasion, and finishing his days presiding over an empire of dirty linen in the prison laundry.


I mentioned this in the other thread, but Trump didn’t just call Woodward once or twice, he called him nearly 20 times. Just out of the blue, completely unsolicited. Just to chat. As if he’s the world’s loneliest person who needs to call a reporter from his favorite Fake News outlet just to talk to somebody who will listen.

This is like Frost/Nixon where Nixon drunk dialed Frost, except Trump doesn’t drink and while David Frost had to do actual legwork to finally nail Nixon, Trump just comes right out and says a whole bunch of damning stuff. On tape.

It’ll be quite a sight to see how somehow manages to Trump slither out of this. If you’re a follower of his, how do you reconcile the past 7 months of him downplaying COVID-19, turning masks into a culture war, sidelining health officials, trying to cook the books, discouraging testing, and abdicating all federal responsibility (and meanwhile very likely knowing one or more people who got sick and maybe even died) – only to find he knew all along this was some bad shit and he did nothing because he was too scared.

Basically, this:


All afternoon, this has been a source of amazement for me. It can only be the act of someone with no internal governor at all, someone compelled to act on every impulse regardless of the potential consequences.

The things Trump admitted to Woodward are damning, but I almost feel like the fact that he admitted them at all is worse. He’s not in control of himself in any way.

So far his enablers are sticking to the usual script: duck, dodge, and deny, with a side order of false equivalence.

From WaPo's continuing Election coverage:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Wednesday declined to offer an opinion on Trump’s statements to Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward about the coronavirus, referring reporters’ questions to the White House.

“Yeah, I haven’t looked at the Woodward book," McConnell told reporters at the Capitol on Wednesday afternoon. "That’s a good question for the White House.”

Other Senate Republicans seemed hesitant to weigh in on Trump’s comments about the virus, as well.

“My only guess is he’s probably talking about not creating a panic and, you know, some sort of overreaction to it,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said when asked about the president’s statement to Woodward on March 19 that he “wanted to always play it down.”

Rubio added that “a little more alarm about the seriousness early on could have made a little bit of a difference" toward getting more Americans to realize the importance of social distancing and masks. He noted, however, that “every country in the world, no matter how well they did initially, has ultimately found itself in a tough spot.”

Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) said he wasn’t able to weigh in on Trump’s remarks without specifically knowing the context in which he said them, even after a reporter read Portman the relevant passage from Woodward’s book.

“He did some things early on that were helpful," Portman said of Trump. “And could we all have done things differently? Yes, including Congress.”:


This is a problem for the corporate media, the people who say “It’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up,” which was always a weird thing to say when you think about it, but it’s where they admit they can’t figure out what a crime is and all they know how to report on is cover-ups.

So when one particular criminal admits everything in public, therefore it must not be a crime :confused:


I thought this asshole was dead?


Interestingly, he’s the only person I can think of who’s more of an energy leech on the body politic than Susan Collins. Birds of a feather.


Man, I hope Collins gets trounced.


Not sure if anyone posted this on the forum yet:


I’m sure the women of Maine have been waiting to hear what Droopy Dog Lieberman has to say before making up their minds on Susan Collins.

jlaw okay yeah sure


Yet they did nothing. I hope they don’t sleep at night as a result of their inaction.



Maybe he’ll change his nickname from “Mad Dog” to Jim “Can’t Be Bothered” Mattis.


Milquetoast Mattis.


If they know- Trump knows.


In further shocking news




If trump knows it’s because Putin told him first.


this is why access to the vote tallying is a red herring. voter rolls are an easier target – and we know they were targeted in 2016 as well. worse, they’re also the targets of the gop.