Everyone on this plane missed their flight because a defiant woman refused to wear a mask

No, I don’t think He wants anything to do with this asshole.


I’ve been flying more the last few months like normal as well. No real issues thus far.
Although there was one lady in front of me at PHX when I came home this weekend who wasn’t wearing her mask in the queue for boarding. The SW gate agent told her to put it on and she started in, but he was having none of it. Told her it’s that or not get on the plane.
The weirdest thing I saw recently was when a TSA agent pulled a straight razor out of a guy’s bag.
I was like, how did you think it was a good idea to try and bring this through security? I’m sure it was literally what he uses for shaving (for whatever reason) but still…


The problem is that the people in charge of doing removing people from aircraft, often airport police, can cause a PR nightmare for airlines.

When they have a non-compliant passenger, it’s easier to deboard everyone and then not permit them to reboard than it is to remove the one person. This isn’t universally the case, but you could imagine them causing a bigger scene as they get pulled off the plane, and possibly opening up the airline to liability.

Sadly, the airlines don’t share their flight bans with other airlines, but she wont be flying Southwest again.

I saw something similar back in January. A middle-aged white guy was standing near a gate unmasked while the gate agent kept making an increasingly more stern “general” announcement about wearing masks. Until it became clear she was about to call security on him and he punked out, he had the same nasty smirk as the moron in this story.


And in other news, the whole mask requirement is going away on April 18, or perhaps earlier, so she got a lifetime flight ban and tens of thousands in fines because she couldn’t wait two weeks to fly without a mask.

Really, anyone who has deep religious beliefs as she claims, should express those beliefs by leading an exemplary life in accordance with the most basic points of those beliefs. This will inspire far more followers than any kind of protest.


First, remove potential witnesses and their phone cameras … then, what happens on the plane stays on the plane


I have to respect the Germans for their directness here. I watched a man attempt to board a Lufthansa flight without a mask recently. The flight attendant immediately stopped him, explained that he had to wear a medical grade mask, and handed him one. But she did it with that special German tone that made it clear this was not a request. He complied without resistance, and we took off on time. No passive aggressive messing around - straight to the point gets the job done.


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