Evidently, Ted Cruz has to show his ID to buy a cheeseburger

Okay, what would happen if all voters had to show a vaccine card to cast a ballot?


I had to show my government ID to get a “loyalty card” at “Harris Teeter.” Maybe I can write checks with it. I haven’t tried. At whole foods, I have to show a bar code connected to my prime account. On the other hand, safeway simply wants an obsolete phone number. The disadvantage of not showing an grocery-store issued ID is that food prices are dramatically higher, and I suppose that a higher income would completely offset this.

Maybe the Senate Dining room asks for credentials. Maybe Ted Cruz likes get plastered at a bar for lunch and he’s always carded.


You know really, Ted Cruz’s id is likely quite dark and scary. I don’t want to see it.


There was a District-wide vaccine mandate in DC for about a month and until a month ago that indeed did require people to show their vaccination cards (or at least a photo of them) to dine in a restaurant (but not to order takeout). I’m assuming that’s what Raffy is whining about, though of course the whine would be better taken if the mayor hadn’t reversed the unpopular policy at what was basically her first opportunity to do so.

Mr. Cruz spends a lot of his time here in D.C., which he would like to run more like Texas. (We disagree.)


guess you should’ve gotten it takeout then, right?

there’s really no place that would stop you from purchasing or eating the burger - they were “merely” protecting dine-in customers from dying of an easily transmitted deadly disease

i don’t know. i like not killing random strangers :person_shrugging:


He really isn’t. Old-school Republicans of the merely horrible variety would be be politicians like McCain or Prince Bush. Cruz, in contrast, is another one of the death cultists jockeying for power within the party they’ve taken over. There’s not much chance he’ll ever lead the party because he’s thoroughly despised by other Republicans, old-school or death-cultist.


No, Ted, it’s just for you, personally.
They just want to make sure no one else gets your 'cheese’burger.

Same here.
Ted is, of course, lying, as per usual. Seems to be his default setting, now.
Hell, I haven’t been carded for buying booze in years & only because that place carded everyone.
You know you are Old when you stop getting carded…


No worries. It takes a special camera for his image to appear, so the image on his i.d. is probably blank.

He aligned with the Teepers when he ran for the Senate, then aligned with the FDC when You Know Who resided in the WH.
He’s never been a ‘republican’… running as one has merely been a means to his ends.
The boy’s ambition is to be POTUS & nothing less will do.

I remember thinking the same thing about You Know Who about 500 years ago, back in '15.
Words I learned long ago never to utter [or think]:
“It can’t get any worse.”


I remember when I was growing up, there was a bar around the corner that had a prominently displayed sign reading something like

No bankers served after 5:00 PM
Bus drivers must have exact change

And so on.

I’m certainly in favor of forcing our most odious politicians to live with the consequences of their decisions.


Nope nope nope.
You had to show ID to inhabit a space and dine in and breathe around other people for an extended time.
Big fucking difference, and I wish everyone would stop pretending it’s the same.
You do not have the right to be in the personal space of others if you choose to remain unvaccinated. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Reality’s liberal bias



true, he came up around those guys and that generation but he is his own kind of awful. to me though he is the ultimate opportunist and doesn’t hold any real values. he’s with the death culters cause that’s the way the wind is blowing. “say what you will about national socialism, dude, at least it’s an ethos.”

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Cruz doesn’t have Biff’s grifter’s touch. He’s also so arrogant that he won’t use other Republicans under the guise of “co-operation”, to the point that none of his colleagues want to work with him.

That’s not to say he can’t continue to do a lot of damage. But Hawley and Cotton are a lot more dangerous.


No, just Republicans.


No Cheeseburger, hamburger.
No chips, LIES


Nah: He thinks he’s Georges Washington. Sad, really.


Probably tried to buy a cheeseburger with an unsigned credit/debit card. Vendors are supposed to ask for id, or reject it outright, if your card is unsigned. Most don’t, but if this actually happened (which is doubtful), then that is probably why.


While that is a possible real-world scenario in which that could happen, Occam’s Razor says he is probably just making shit up

And welcome to the bbs!


should get him to show his long-form birth certificate.
fucking slimeball