Ex con fraudster felon Jim Bakker claims 'Merry Christmas' Was Outlawed

Admittedly, it’s a niche market, but you can’t imagine what certain people will pay for a bucket of cum soup.

A 1640 Act of the Parliament of Scotland abolished Christmas. Unfortunately soon after the Scots were tricked into Union with England (and lost their own separate Parliament) the ban was repealed by the Parliament at Westminster (London).

Didn’t the New England Puritans make the observance of Christmas illegal? Perhaps that’s what Bakker was talking about.

Anyhow, Hallelujah, Christmas has won! It is even going be celebrated at Howgarts. Nothing more Christian than witchcraft and wizardry.


I wondered if it was like the Starbucks thing where the cups were changed to be less obviously Christmas cups and christians got buthurt about it. Maybe some walmart supervisor told his staff not to say happy Christmas to absolutely every person who entered the store and thus a myth was born.

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That’s nothing. A few years ago the government banned the use of the phrase “good morning”. I contacted my fellow pastafarians and we all waved our magic noodle strainers in the air. The ban wasn’t just rescinded, it was erased retroactively, which is why you won’t find any corroborating evidence of it anywhere today.


No, no - the other “them”.


Aww man! If they do that again, I won’t be able to enjoy Gravity Falls.

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“I’m not anti-Santa Claus, I just don’t want him in my face every minute.”

If you had just cut it there, I’d still be stuck on the same page with that guy.

The world would be a better place, I bet, if Jim Bakker was outlawed.

Deploy the Elves!

BTW, ex con fraudster? AFAICT, he’s still at it.

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There’s probably some sort of meta-point there about your approach vs his …
Him: I don’t believe in evolution - what well known law can I mallet into shape in order to sustain this belief?
You: I believe^ in evolution, and also the 2nd law … what parameter is missing from this argument?

^ ‘believe’ here being used as a stand-in for complex statements around accepting the weight of evidence as underpinning a coherent theory which logically explains observations in the real world.

We outlawed fraud too but take a look at Jim Bakker not sitting in jail.

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