Ex-dealer discloses tricks to mail weed without getting caught

We had our first-ever delivery a few months ago.

I remember hearing an LA area news item ca. 1992-4 re: the busting of a pizza ahem joint what had also delivered bags of ganja. My then-BF and I both heaped invective on the heartless prick who turned 'em in.


Can’t help wondering how many of those orange states have dry counties. Kentucky and Kansas certainly do.
An English friend was horrified, and heatedly demanded, “And you call this a civilised country?!” upon learning she couldn’t enjoy a cold beer with her lunch at a restaurant in Kentucky.
At least their lemonade was good, homemade, and fresh.

ETA again:
It may be tough making a breakthrough in Wisconsin; I’d wager they have a powerful liquor lobby given all the beer they brew.
I’m amazed Iowa got anything good done before dumping gov kimmy the woman-hater.
The Carolinas grow a lotta tobacco, so the tobacco lobby throws its weight around, esp in SC.
I’m also shocked that the wattled wonder, that creep mcconnell didn’t have to be out of office before any good came to Kentucky, too.
I wonder whether Kansas has weed-dry counties, and if those laws are as absurd and variable as their liquor laws. [A long-ago road trip took me across Kansas. Everyone there always crammed on their brakes at the ends of freeway on-ramps, immediately before “merging” with 65-75mph (106-112 in new money) traffic! Maddening. Now I think about it, if they drive that way while sober, convoluting the purchase of alcohol might be best.]

It provides endless pleasure to see how many Southern states are mending their ways re: pot. Bravo!

ETA yet again:
Hey, thanks so much for this:

I don’t mind even heavily editing a post in a good cause.

I’m going to look for maps re: marijuana laws elsewhere in the world.

Via wikipedja -

I was V happy when Jamaica finally told their churches to sit TF down and STFU, and legalized it. Shame Tosh wasn’t around to advertise it.

Scratch had already been living in Switzerland for yonks.

Note he pronounces police to rhyme with another form of potentially dangerous AF bloodsucking parasite. PO-lice.


Maybe it is a cacheing issue? Because I think I found your map, from a Rolling Stone Article in April, and it looks like this now.


I just don’t get the dry county stuff in Texas. Dallas was dry. But there were restaurants with bottles of wine lining the walls. You could also drink in a private club. Somehow, just about every restaurant was a club and you could buy a near global membership for a nominal fee (it was like $1)

This was mid to late 90’s, dunno if it’s still the case.

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doesn’t seem worth the effort, honestly. would be better to move to one of the many states where you can legally partake.

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I lived in Dallas and the surrounds from ~1993 to 2006 or so. I remember a lot of oddities, like, I could buy beer at a local store but if I wanted more than a certain percent I had to go a county over.

The laws in some places were different for liquor and beer so there would be 2 stores, sharing the same lot but with different front doors, that were effective the “same store” but with different hours of operation.

Even where I live now (outside of Austin) you can’t buy beer on Sundays or maybe it’s just before or after certain times, I don’t remember. Somehow it always happens to be a time when I want to pop out and get something.

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That’s absurd! It’s even more absurd than Michigan’s blue laws.

People can purchase alcohol on-premise and off-premise from 7 AM to 2 AM on Monday to Saturday, and from noon to 2 AM on Sunday.
What are the hours retailers can sell alcohol?
Retailers can sell on-premise and off-premise from 7 AM to 2 AM on Monday to Saturday and from noon to 2 AM on Sunday.

Above found here.

I remember being unable to find any liquor for sale in Royal Oak, MI, an expen$ive Oakland county Detroit suburb. The shops had plentya beer & wine, but no booze. That was during the 90s. I bought some big bottles of Chimay instead!

There are so many ridiculous dry laws. Like not being allowed to buy alcohol in one’s home county, but buying it in a wet county and bringing it back home is ok in some places; in others that’s illegal. That those laws can vary from county to county is even more nonsensical.

Also just outside Austin, I know you can but i’ve always been fuzzy on what the time was. Looked it up and it is:

You can now legally buy beer and wine at stores starting at 10 a.m. on Sundays


Ah, beer and wine, but not liquor. OK

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I was told that using the USPS was not preferred because using the mail adds more federal charges if you get caught.

Even if you’ve sent it in a state say where weed is legal- it’s still a federal crime.

I mean - a friend was told.


i would note , for those fortunate enough to have cars , time , and $$ for gas , that almost every yellow state is bordered by light green , and often dark green states , except for north ( ocracoke ! ) and south carolina ~ ~ ~ ( revised map , lower in comments , removes the exceptions )

i think , i do , that michigan is 2 1/2 oz limit per visit , more than one visit a day to different and even the same dispensary are allowed
" There is not a per-day cannabis purchase limit in Michigan for adult-use consumers; the limits are 2.5 ounces per transaction. "
from a quick google search , many other citations are available

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Thanks. :smiley:

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Make sure you also put “totally not drugs you guys” on the packaging as well.

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I remember when I moved to Washington state, all the liquor stores were state run. Growing up in California I was used to being able to get hard stuff from the grocery store, but not in WA. It was only wine and beer. You had to go to one of the state run stores which had shitty hours if you wanted anything harder.

Eventually the voters repealed this and you could get liquor from any store licensed to carry it. But only during certain hours and all the hard stuff had to be locked in cabinets or in specially gated sections of the store.

Good thing I don’t drink. It seems like just trying to get alcohol would bring someone to need to drink.


It still fascinates me that you aren’t supposed to grow even a single cannabis plant in your closet here in “fully legal” WA*.

(*without being on file with a medical card)


Same here in Illinois. You can only grow your own if your doctor signs off on it.


I’m sure it changes from state to state, i think in NV you can grow your own if the “nearest” dispensary is a certain distance away from you. Then you can grow a few plants for your personal use.


FYI: Minnesota will be dark green in 5 days, with one of the most permissive laws in the country


usually in places that consider themselves the pinnacle of “freedom”



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