Ex-dealer discloses tricks to mail weed without getting caught

But it’s a toss up, right? Aside from the requirements you note, you’re trading off the risk of the mail thing with the risk of getting pulled over, searched, and arrested for having the stuff in your car once you cross the border into your home yellow state. I can see the utility of the mailing option, for some.
I live in a dark green state, but I still liked the tips. It’s interesting. Back in my day the tip was to wrap it up and put it in a jar of peanut butter. :joy:


not heard that before.
i once had 1/8oz sent to me in a bag of potpourri. made the weed taste awful.

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Ya, the story went that you wrap up the weed really well, hollow out the core of the peanut butter and put the stash in there and cover the top. It was meant to throw off the drug sniffing dogs.
Though, now that I type it out, maybe that was about traveling with it on buses or trains?
PB would be a weird thing to mail…
The potpourri thing sounds awful. Our local health food store has what I generally find to be a lovely smell from all the essential oils, but anytime I buy canned beer from there, it’s impossible to drink it from the cans because the can is imbued with the aroma. Am imagining that times a thousand.

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