Facing lengthy prison terms, Capitol terrorist suspects are suddenly sorry for rioting on January 6

It was happening here on this site, back in 2015 and 2016. Someone would show up to start JAQing off about whether we needed a change from politics as usual and would be met with a barrage of comments listing the facts of Biff’s sordid history. No-one was pretending that he was anything other than what he was, except those who did so willfully.


The hell he did. The absolute cornerstone of his campaign, the thing he mentioned every single speech, was a wall to keep the awful southern hordes out of America. He ran on xenophobia so explicit the other Republican candidates were initially denouncing him for it. If you weren’t white, or if you were white but cared about non-white people, Trump made it extremely clear he had nothing for you but contempt.


there’s a good argument to be made that heavy border security and a wall increases the number of undocumented people living in the us.

if you come here for some temporary work during a tough year at home, if you’ve paid a smuggler to get you here, you can’t just leave when you want to because you know you’ll likely never get back. so you stay, just in case

open borders mean you only stay for the duration of your seasonal labor gigs, then you go home

( open borders are also more humane, so there’s that too )


Open borders also has the advantage of transparency. The people who are legitimately looking for work or asylum will have the ability to do so while the people looking to cross the border for shady reasons will likely prefer to do so out of sight. This would make it easier for border control to focus on the illegal crossings since they won’t have to spend time figuring out who is crossing for what reason.

Making it harder to immigrate/emigrate only muddies the waters, the government doing so gives more power to criminal enterprises.


Once again, actions have consequences. How surprising.

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These people did not expect any consequences. After all, it was their [republican] senators and congress people who organized their rebellion in the first place (helping them scope out the building ahead of time, giving them guided tours and explaining where the targets [opposing elected officials] would be and where their offices were) and it was the fucking president of the united states ordering them to attack the capital, telling them they would be cheered as heroes.

Granted, they should have been well aware that trump the Cowardly Lier would never have their back, and that ted “flee to Cancun at the first hint of trouble” cruze would never support them afterwards.


Otooh, if people got sent to jail for the 2017 college admissions scandal, they damn well ought to be sent to jail for this


Hey, Trump could still pardon them – he just has to backdate them to January 19th and wait for the ink to dry.

(Apparently there’s no registry or list of Trump’s pardons before leaving office, because it’s yet another thing that no one ever imagined needed checks and balances on.)


These insurrectionists are the small fry.
Sure, I hope they all face the consequences for their actions; I want them to receive the same mercy they would have showed their presumed enemies had their COUP succeeded.
Still, they are small fry.
I want the Seditionists behind this attempted COUP dealt with.

This includes every GQPer who questioned the election results… beginning with HWSNBN & working down from there… every CongressCritter who refused to impeach & convict HWSNBN (thereby enabling his treasons)… and especially the Financiers behind this whole mess.

Biden had better get busy purging the various departments of trash left over from the previous regime, toot sweet… starting with the USPS.


There is a registry with the Pardon Attorney in the DoJ. While there is no specific ban on secret pardons, they would need to have been witnessed and validated. And there’s no standard for doing that, so there’s a pretty good chance that a secret pardon wouldn’t be upheld by the courts.

We won’t know until someone tries to shield themselves with a secret Trump pardon.

Not exactly.
They expected praise, medals, maybe a ticker tape parade in their honour… stuff like that.


Also he said he’d go back to torturing prisoners, unlike the soft and weak Obama


He had the time to pardon them when he was still in office, and yet he didn’t. It’s almost like he doesn’t give a fuck about them. How odd.


“I don’t like losers. I like insurrections that don’t fail, OK?”


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