Facing lengthy prison terms, Capitol terrorist suspects are suddenly sorry for rioting on January 6

I agree.

I’m for nuclear disarmament, fewer wars, gun control, a strong social safety net, abolition of the death penalty, and policies that lead to fewer abortions (as opposed to Republican policies that actually increase the abortion rate).

Whaddaya mean that’s not what Pro Life means?


oh my george takai GIF


the big bang theory sheldon GIF


Everything about these people is truly despicable. The stupidity, the bravado, the cowardice, the sniveling. I can only hope that the biggest abomination of them all, that orange bastard, will not walk away unharmed from this.


" [T]he term ‘terrorism’ means premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents."

Sounds a lot like terrorism to me, and should be prosecuted as such. Too many will get light or no sentences due to their middle-class whiteness, and ability to cry really well unfortunately.


Thank you! And let’s pretend that pro-choice means pro-abortion, ignoring how most who are pro-choice are also pro-life, but understands everyone should have control over their own body.



Or, to paraphrase the late Carlin: “These people aren’t pro-life! They’re ANTI-WOMAN!”


These traitors need to be put away for a good long time. Not a single one of them regrets their treason to our country, they only regret that their attempted overthrow of the government failed, and are disappointed that the treasonous republican senators and representatives who helped them plan and organize the whole thing betrayed them and pretended they knew nothing about it and were unable to protect them from consequences. They are a clear danger to the country, and our society, and any of them who aren’t in prison will quickly try do it all over again, or commit other violent crimes.


I know what you mean. If I put aside their wrong-headed, ignorant, harmful to democracy reason for even being there in the first place, I kind of feel a tiny bit sorry for the ones who went for a big campaign event and got swept up…

This is the part I gently push back against. Not for the assholes who were hurting people and damaging property, but (with the caveat I note above about their bad overall intentions) I think back on big protests I attended in college and totally remember getting swept up in the crowd.
One huge protest against the IMF I attended in DC got me in a precarious situation when some bad players led our march into the wrong place.
I’m not excusing any of these folks, but I can imagine a scenario where I am demonstrating about something I believe strongly in, and the demo ends up breaching a federal building where essential business is…you know what? Never mind. I just talked myself right out of it.

I just hope justice falls hardest on the organizers and those causing harm.


Thanks for saving me the trouble. These fascists came to DC with the intent of overturning a legitimate election by raiding the Capitol building.


I just have one thing to say:

“Lock them up. Lock them up.”

And their little leader, too.


I usually heard it as the “crowbar hotel” ^^ .


I believe that all all of these traitors share just one regret: they got caught. Anything else is just window dressing.


Sometimes, it’s just not enough to say, “I’m so sowwy. Pwease forgive me. I will be a good lil boy/girl now.”


All in all, I can sort of understand and forgive people who voted for Trump in 2016. Never underestimate how out-of-touch with politics and candidates many voters are, after all. And Trump did present himself as something for everyone, letting people focus on the stuff he said that they liked, and ignoring the rest as just something he was saying to “drum up the votes”. It’s stupid, for sure, but I can see mitigating circumstances for a lot of people.

But 2020? There is absolutely no excuse for voting Trump then. Either you’re too goddamn ignorant and/or stupid to make meaningful adult decisions about voting; or you actually are informed, and wanted more of Trump, more Americans dying from Covid-19 because the president and his administration were not merely incompetent and useless, but actively harmful. I completely agree that anyone voting for him then was stupid and/or evil.


I suspect dangling the huge sentences over these people is a way to entice to put the fingers on the bigger fish. We are just getting started.


Not in 2016. He was still America’s foremost public grifter and an outspoken racist and was clearly not up to the demands of the office in the same way his opponents were. Those weren’t secrets. The people voting for him were choosing those things just as much as the insurrectionists chose to raid the Capitol.

Ignorant, stupid or malicious in 2016, in 2020, and on 6 Jan 2021.


…for white people.


I have NO problem labelling the insurrectionists as terrorists. Their actions satisfy the definitions, both dictionary and legal.


I clearly remember conversations with many people after Trump announced his candidacy who clearly had no idea what he was about, and still defended their position after I pointed out his blatant racism (The Central Park Five, September 11, etc.) and his many bankruptcies and failures to pay contractors.

Nobody wanted to hear that mess.

not listening dumb and dumber GIF