Originally published at: Fascism and fajitas have the same etymological roots | Boing Boing
“Shit” and “science” also share the same proto-Indo-European root meaning “to cut or split.”
Yummy, yummy fascism.
There are Fasces above the doors in the Oval Office
I always knew that facists liked fajitas and democrats liked burritos (from Mexican Spanish “little donkey”). Thanks Etymology!
For the love of God, will people STOP trying to mix food into identity politics? We’re not morlocks and eloi … yet. Don’t speed it up.
And for what it’s worth, I make burritos from fajitas.
As does another foodstuff.
Once you know what they are, they are everywhere.
During WWII Italian aircraft displayed a roundel featuring three Fasci.
Also, Italian aircraft of the period had 1 forward gear and 4 reverse gears…
“So there you have it, folks: fajitas are fascism.”
sorry this is not even close!
Morlock food is pretty good, but it varies from person to person.
I know anarchists would turn fascists into burritos, but usually there are intermediate steps so you don’t actually eat them.
Just beneath the surface, we’re all fascia-ists
That’s not the ‘power over life and limb’ one (with the axe poking out), that’s the ‘strength when we stick together’ one.
See also:
The letter F is commonly used in mathematics for “sheaf”, due to its introduction by French mathematicians (faisceau). Whereas lowercase f is commonly used for “conductor”, due to its introduction by German mathematicians (Führer).
You missed the real shocker here
Fascist and Faggot have the same root word.
Now there’s a story!
I didn’t realize the rods in the classical fasces represented physical punishment. I always thought they, as in the US capitol decoration, symbolized strength through unity. That would have made sense to Mussolini since he bragged about unifying a chaotic Italy into one hotsy-dandy country. However the punishment angle, not to mention the axe, would have appealed to Benito as well. I wonder whether he was aware of the symbol’s backstory or if he adopted it just because it looked cool and it meant whatever he said it meant (very Trumpian, that lad).
Check to see if Jefferson Davis had anything to do with them.