FBI says it is investigating more email "pertinent" to Clinton server (Update: Weiner alert)


Sadly, headlines across the board just scream CLINTON EMAIL FBI, and where nuance and truth and clarity are lost, so is credibility.



Beating on the dead are we? I mean I know that Hillary inherited Ted’s haters, but really? Chappaqua?

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The Ted Kennedy thing was in Chappaquiddick MA. Chappaqua NY is where Hillary Clinton moved to prior to running for US Senate.


Good point!



(nuance and clarity, yada yada)


As long as they stop a woman or non-white person from getting elected, then their job is done!!

Of course, we’ll be sitting in the burned out remains of the country since they don’t give a damn about anything else.


Yep, trolls are flooding Quora too.


I did not produce this. I just though it had some funny lines. But Chappaqua, NY is apparently where the Clintons keep a house.

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If emails from Clinton impact the pretty much dormant investigation into the unprecedented investigation into her affairs, then that would totally make sense to notify Congress.

To notify them because you found something in an unrelated investigation, which you have not looked at, and which may or may not constitute new evidence…

This isn’t exactly house on fire evidence of ANYTHING. Does Comey notify Congress when he wipes his butt, too? When he runs out of powdered creamer in the office?


Someone else mentioned that too. My mistake. It was early.


The FBI director serves a ten year term. Which means that unless he resigns, he could be harassing Clinton in her second term.


I agree, it was handled so badly it stinks of being purposeful. Trump hit on it immediately, like 'OH, well, we have found a computer that might have those 30,000 emails they deleted everywhere else", etc etc.

I can honestly see a questionable logic in it. Comey’s story is he told everyone that investigation was complete. If they actually do find something damning, after the election, he ends up looking like he withheld facts that might have influenced the outcome of the election.

I’m trying to think of what I would have done, and honestly it is difficult. If there truly are thousands of her emails on the machine, I guess one could pull in dozens or hundreds of people to sift through them all for classified material, but who knows what that is, and how long it would take to figure it out.

I guess I would have held back til I knew something. I think that would be a good gamble, but a gamble it is, and if he fears all those Republican hearings that are no doubt on the horizon, perhaps he’s more afraid of them than her.

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A week ago, any candidate who suggested someone was trying to “rig the election” would be the object of general hilarity.

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Except Comey explicitly kept the conspiracy alive against all reason in June by saying “we won’t be pursuing charges, but…” and now he 100% jumped the gun. There is absolutely zero question if he spoke too soon, and even in speaking too soon he leaned in on the this may be a big deal half of the “may or may not be related” nature of the emails and purposely covered his own ass on an internal memo leaked to the press the same day.

I think he did it to try and please both sides of the aisle, and I think he will walk back on the announcement hard in the upcoming week. He wants to fan the flames and keep any wrongdoing from sticking to him.


If Comey were a candidate you might have something there Lolly.


I think this is it exactly. I think he rated the impact on the election as unimportant (for himself) compared to the long slogging months of senate hearings he is foreseeing. He’s picturing Bill Clinton’s presidency, and I am afraid his vision is probably gonna end up being pretty accurate.

In theory, that’s true. In practice, the Director serves at the consent of the President and Congress, either of whom can replace them at their whim. There are no statutory conditions on the President’s authority to remove the FBI Director.

Robert Mueller served out his full term under Bush the Younger and two additional years under Obama (which required an act of Congress.) Before that, you have to go all the way back to J.Edgar Hoover to find one who did the full ten years, although William Webster almost made it-- he was moved to the CIA with less than a year left in his term as FBI Director.


Funny, because the people you’re addressing are neither candidates, nor people who said that.


Even when Trump went on his “rigged election” tirade, he was not really talking about Hillary herself busing Illegal aliens from polling place to polling place, or filling out absentee ballot for dead people on her campaign aircraft. It would be more reasonable to expect these things to be done by minions.