Federal charges for Donald Trump

Once again:




These might involve the espionage act.


Happy Indictment of Donald Trump Day for those who celebrate it.

I confess I’m feeling not much of anything. I don’t know if it’s because I’m sufficiently depressed these days that I’m unable to feel any joy, or I’ve just been disappointed by responses to Trump for so long that I’m not expecting much to necessary come of this.

Hey, there’s got to be something he’s not guilty of. Cattle rustling, maybe.


well, that’s the question, now, isn’t it?

is TODAY the new national holiday, or is it TUESDAY when he has to appear?


Lock him up!


I’m sure it’s been mentioned here before, but:

OTOH he was not part of the 2-party duopoly.


Seven counts, reports the new york times

A grand jury has charged former President Donald J. Trump with a total of seven counts, according to two people familiar with the indictment.

While the precise details of all the charges are not yet clear, the people familiar with the matter said the charges include willfully retaining national defense secrets in violation of the Espionage Act, conspiracy to obstruct justice, and making false statements.

On CNN, Trump’s lawyer Jim Trusty said that Trump’s legal team had not been shown the indictment itself, but that the summons commanding Trump to appear in court had “some language in it that suggests what the seven charges would be.” He mentioned the Espionage Act, multiple false-statement charges and “several obstruction-based type charges.” Specifically, he mentioned Section 1519 (which relates to obstructing an official effort and was widely expected because it was listed on the F.B.I. search warrant affidavit), but also a new one: Section 1512, which criminalizes witness tampering or other means of obstructing an official proceeding.


Heck 62% of republicans who will probably vote in the primaries would vote for him even if convicted and in prison. There doesn’t seem to be a kind or amount of corruption that will change their minds.


Let’s see who his friends are tomorrow.

It will be interesting to see which judge gets picked for his trial… and if ones appointed by him will recuse themselves.


i think if he started taking responsibility for his actions, or if he ever said he was sorry: none of them would ever talk about him again.

but, yeah: since that is never going to happen… maybe the best we can hope for is people become embarrassed about him. even if shame seems hard to come by these days.


You can run for president from prison. Eugene V. Debs was even convicted of a violation of the espionage act.


Especially if part of the plea includes acceptance of the espionage charge. That one, regardless if he gets pardoned later, makes him ineligible for federal office, I believe.

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It’s going to be interesting incorporating his secret service detail into prison. They may have to reopen a building on Alcatraz.

OTOH- there’s always Guantanamo.


First, we learn that Satan has called Pat Robertson home. And then we get an indictment against Trump.

There seems to be some justice getting spread around, and I approve.



Oooh, is this how the US finally gets one of those cool holidays where you wheel around an effigy guy made out of old clothes and a papier-mâché head and light him on fire at the end of the night!?


Kari Lake called for all the Republicans running against Trump to suspend their campaigns and rally around TFG. Which is hysterical, as all his challengers are likely almost as happy as we are about the indictments. Kari Lake calls on other GOP candidates to suspend campaigns and back indicted Trump - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism


Honestly, it was a hell of a good Thursday. We’re so used to a continuous vomit of bad news we’re failing to recognize a day when the world seemed to right itself.

  1. Pat Robertson is dead. He’s a rotting corpse. America is instantly better.
  2. Donald Trump is indicted (again), and more investigations loom.
  3. The Supreme Court ruled Alabama must throw out a GOP gerrymandered voting map and rework it to bring back another black congressional district, which was a HUGE fucking surprise given how this court has blown up the Voting act.

Yesterday was a great day, folks. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for more of them.


I would fluv a Guy Fawkes-like day to celebrate TFG’s downfall, however it may come about.