or fall from a great height offered by a convenient underground mega facility.
Deckard is a replicant.
It was left ambiguous in the original release (the dreaded voiceover version), but suggested with all the subtlety of a boot to the head in all subsequent versions. What remained in doubt was whether Deckard and Rachael had the same strictly limited lifespan as Roy and the others. I guess we have the answer, at least as far as Deckard is concerned.
Depends on whether you think the Director’s cut is the canonical version or you accept the tacked on happy ending voiceover from the theatrical version.
No we get a younger version of edward james elmos.
Is anyone else hoping the robot goat shows up?
But but but the unicorn!
Also the eyes thing.
Well, in the true original, didn’t she come back to slaughter the sheep?
Yeah, I know. This is Blade Runner, not DADoES.
Seriously. Though I am somewhat encouraged to note that Ridley Scott will not be directing this.
Trepidatious would be my feels of choice. I’m riding high on Rouge Rogue One having not sucked, so for the moment I’m willing to think it could all turn out all right. But the other sixty-two billion reboots this new generation of whippersnappers has tanked keeps my glimmer of optimism in firm check.
Is this needed? No, and I’d far prefer Hollywood instead make new classic groundbreaking SF (like Arrival for instance). But if it defies all the odds and turns out a credit to the original without trying too hard to be a pastiche, I’ll eat my words.*
The building he walks into does have that unique kitchen-sink style I love from the original film
*Checking the WP page, it looks like they’re going for a save the world plot. The original was Dickian film noir story about a morally compromised man struggling to make sense of a fucked up world. It wasn’t a fuckiing superhero story. Glimmer of hope already fading.
Plus, how good can it be without Sean Young?
Gawd. I hate it when they stare at you.
…and not Edward James _Old_mos?
See what I did there?
Maaaay-beee. Felt a little imitation without the real genius at the controls for me. And Vangelis’s music is a big part of what made the original so good.
Rouge One? Is that some new appointment to the Orange One’s cabinet?
Yes, I concede. You certainly trumped me there!
"littering … " (they all move away) “… and creating a nuisance” (if I recall correctly) at which point they all moved back.
(And it was not pedantry for pedantry’s sake, although I am not above that, rather it was too good a gift to not use. Thanks.)
I know. Your welcome
I am / it is, indeed. You and yours, too. Bye now (bedtime).
Exactly. So totally, absolutely my response and the only response.
Blade Runner is my favorite movie. I’m apprehensive about this. But oh man, when that music came up over the title . . .