First trailer for Men in Black: International

Well, I’ll happily eat my words, then. Thanks for correcting me!


No worries. Glad we’re on the same page. Stross is one of the good guys. Apologies if a got a tad defensive.



Heh. Social media in the digital age is all very well… For people who actually socialize. I’m apparently one of those throwbacks who still prefer to read actual books, and playing games involving actual dice…
But that doesn’t entirely excuse my ignorance, especially when I could probably have found that link as easily and quickly as you did. So I would say you’re well within acceptable limits in giving me a kind of digital ‘upside the head slap’ for that laziness, on top of my own error.
So, thank you, Mr. Foyle. Best of luck with Vorga… :grin:

Don’t forget “Thor” Dawson, the grumpy mechanic in Adventures in Babysitting.


Holy fucksocks; Les Twins are in this as alien villains.

I’m in.

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