Florida chiropractor signing hundreds of medical exemptions for kids to not wear masks at school

Only if you’re tithing. I have profit margins to maintain…for Jesus!


Scientology likes to recruit them, then they can be Super Power pushy!


It’s even more bizarre when you realize how recent Palmer’s “discoveries” were. I’m not a fan of alternate medicine in general, but at least some things like acupuncture have the excuse of being invented long before medicine was science-based. But Palmer first published his chiropractic beliefs in 1896 – when modern medicine based on the germ theory was already generally accepted and Louis Pasteur was actually already a year dead!


I’m fairly sure a chiropractor is not a real doctor who ever needs to be taken seriously.

3 years training in “Complimentary and Alternative Medicine” is a joke.


did you tell Tucker Swanson about this?
“vaccine causes ankle sprains! why are we not being told?”

also, if you can’t see your feet when wearing your mask, could it be you have it on wrong? maybe don’t use a welding hood as a mask?
just like ol’ Tuck, I’m just asking questions here… :man_shrugging:t4:


California law since 2019 requires any vaccine exemptions to be issued by pediatric doctors that actually has the child as a patient. No random doctor shopping, no personal belief exemption. In fact, California also barred charging more than standard doctor’s office visit and examination fee. No more “exemptions for sale”. Exemptions will also only last ONE YEAR and every school year requires a new exam. Wonder if mask mandate would be treated the same way?


Wheels, Chakras, what’s the difference? /s


Although I’m not elderly, my sense of balance and coordination is quite poor, and generally my knees and sometimes even my nose have suffered greatly for it. I understand the need for masks, and do wear them. but to say that there is no cost understates the potential impact among certain small subgroups.


But they have their own medical journal!

Here’s a typical paper:
Blood Pressure Change After Celery Juice Ingestion in a Hypertensive Elderly Male - ScienceDirect

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I don’t want to be too forward, but do you spend any time working on your balance and coordination?

There’s lots of studies which say that fairly simple exercises can have big benefits in elderly folks (heel walking, side foot walking, walking backwards, and so forth) as they create new neural pathways which come in handy when you get unbalanced… no reason why your more elastic brain couldn’t benefit either.

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Getting this exempt from a chiropractor is kinda like bringing your car to a car audio shop to get the gearbox repaired.


I’ve struggled to wrap my brain around that one myself.

Since the start of the pandemic, the signage on London public transport has said you must wear a mask unless you’re medically exempt.
But surely if you’re medically exempt, that’s because you have respiratory problems, and surely you’re most at risk if you catch Covid and shouldn’t be using public transport in the first place?

But then, we’re almost 2 years into it now, and there’s still utter dumbfucks out there dick-nosing masks.


What is it that the chiropractors are the fake version of?
Osteopaths? Massage therapists?

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I was being flip. I meant no offense.
I fully understand balance issues at near 60 yo and having to wear a prosthetic lower leg. while I don’t run anywhere, I do need to know what I am stepping on if I want to remain upright!


Freedom Corona GIF by Utah Cribs


Well if you turn up the car radio volume you won’t notice the noisy gearbox. Problem solved!

(Or was that your joke)


I know a chiropractor is better than an osteopath when I’m playing scrabble.


They’re their own unique brand of quackery - that has actually become less insane over time, and ended up overlapping with other practices. It was started by a guy who practiced “magnetic healing” in the 19th century who, after slapping a guy on the back, (falsely) believed he had cured his deafness, at which point he decided that manipulating the spine could cure all illnesses and conditions.


cause natural ‘Florida stupid’ isn’t enough
They have to go for ‘covid brain damage’ stupid on top of that.

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Neither. They sincerely believe their crap that spinal adjustments cure all ailments, even in BABIES and infants. And they’ve gotten enough lobbying to get their own recognition as DC “Doctor of Chiropractics”. Now they want to be treated as equals to MDs by Medicare (HR 2654).

Canadians has it right… THEIR chiropractic regulatory body doesn’t allow the type of nonsense that’s allow here in the US: Chiropractors insist on being called “doctors” and dispensing advice on stuff NOT related to “musculoskeletal” bits of the body… like immunity and vaccine and stuff. In 2019 they tried lobbying Congress for the right to prescribe medicine and even try to mandate physicians to recommend chiropractic care.