Florida Senator makes up award for failed President

Can someone please photoshop an ice cream sundae in there? Because we all know that’s what it’ll be used for.


I was thinking it looked more like a Pensieve, and that I would NOT want to draw out any of those memories…[shudder]


Now that he’s back at Mar-a-Lago, it’s harder to bring in Big Boy play machines to cheer him up.


Love that one, it’s his “poop face”.


This reminds me of the story about the time that Trump demanded a trophy for winning “low net” in a “scramble” golf tournament because he is both a notorious cheater and a sore loser. I’m not a golf guy so I don’t remember the details except that there was no such award for the team event.

However Trump was so insistent that a person on the staff ended up grabbing a flower vase out of the women’s restroom, dumping out the flower and presenting it to him as a trophy just to shut him up.

ETA: Here’s the story as told by Sportswriter Rick Reilly with animation.


Chrissy Teigan said it best: what a “pussy ass bitch.”


Based on his attire, it looks like the award was so important that he took 5 min away from his golf round to accept it.


It’s the first annual please-tell-your-minions-to-vote-for-us award. yay…


He also routinely cheats the actual winners of tournaments at his own golf clubs out of championships they legitimately won. And hold on to your short pants—it’s likely Trump also lied about having 18 golf championships.


They cannot make their minds up:

Trump was given a bowl and deemed a Champion of Freedom, which is an award that Republicans made up to make Trump happy.

Here is how the National Republican Senatorial Committee described the award, "This weekend, NRSC Chairman Rick Scott presented President Donald J. Trump with the NRSC’s inaugural Champion for Freedom Award.

Above? Despite? Opposite? Outside? Versus? Past? All good prepositions that might also fit.

But then there’s ‘against’. Yeah, that one will do.


He literally is a participation trophy:


Donald, always getting there ahead of the parodists.


The Republicans have to keep him happy now. If they don’t his cult will turn against them and split the party, and they’ll have no chance of winning the next election.


They have no hope now, anyway.


Is there something I’m missing that keeps this from being 1 step below the sinister ‘participation trophy’ allegedly coddling snowflakes and sissifying America’s youth?


Looks like a nut bowl for a nut case



Reminds me of reading this, recently, about there being two distinct types of narcissist. It strikes me that Trumpty-Dumpty may be both types at once.

“For a long time, it was unclear why narcissists engage in unpleasant behaviors, such as self-congratulation, as it actually makes others think less of them. Our work reveals that these narcissists are not grandiose, but rather insecure,” said clinical psychologist Pascal Wallisch from New York University (NYU).

“More specifically, the results suggest that narcissism is better understood as a compensatory adaptation to overcome and cover up low self-worth,” added clinical psychologist Mary Kowalchyk, also from NYU.

Psychologists do already distinguish between two rather different types of narcissists: ‘vulnerable narcissists’ who have low self-esteem, attachment anxiety, and are highly sensitive to criticism; and ‘grandiose narcissists’, who have high self-esteem and self-aggrandizement.

This latest research helps to further disentangle the two.

Kowalchyk and team used a series of measures to assess the levels of different traits including narcissism, self-esteem, and psychopathy for each of their participants, and found that flexing behavior is strongly associated with individuals who also have high insecurities and sense of guilt. Those exhibiting psychopathy showed relatively low levels of guilt.

“Narcissists are insecure, and they cope with these insecurities by flexing. This makes others like them less in the long run, thus further aggravating their insecurities, which then leads to a vicious cycle of flexing behaviors,” said Kowalchyk.

This is in contrast to individuals that exhibit grandiose narcissism, who genuinely believe in their own self-importance and do not display signs of insecurity. To the researchers, the difference between the two goes further than just a category distinction.

“We posit that what was previously seen as grandiose narcissism is actually better understood as one behavioral manifestation of psychopathy,” the team writes in their paper.

They acknowledge further research is needed in a more diverse population across larger time scales to validate their results. But these new findings align with a small study from 2017, in which narcissistic men’s brain scans revealed emotional distress and conflict when they were shown a photo of themselves.

In fact, there have been conflicting studies around whether narcissists do or do not like themselves; by defining the two types of narcissism more precisely, we can arrive at a better understanding of their behaviors, since both types of narcissist may also cause real harm to the people around them in the form of narcissistic abuse.


I thought it was millennials that got participation trophies… Not boomer Florida man.

[Man, the past 4 years have really turned up my genX cynicism up to 12]

