Originally published at: Florida sheriff announces old-time punishments like disfigurement are back for school kids | Boing Boing
These people are disgusting.
Because to RWNJ’s, fear is the only real kind of respect they recognize. (Just to be clear, fear and respect are very near polar opposites for most of us. But if you are incapable of generating actual respect, fear is a simulacrum that is easy enough as long as you are bigger and more powerful.)
“An armed society is a polite society” because everyone is mortally afraid of offending someone with a gun and a short temper.
This must be why Americans are known, above all else, for their politeness.
I thought that right wingers were opposed to mutilating children’s bodies. /s
They accuse the left of being “groomers” and yet they’re the ones yearning to do horrible things to kids’ ass-cheeks. Every accusation is a confession.
This is an elected sheriff, so there is a bit of blame to go about. (“eh! we think our police force can handle being both racist and child abusers”)
I wonder how Sheriff Spankum would feel about bringing in corporal punishment for Cops?
I’d think fear and respect can go together, but in such a case the respect is there first, and the fear stems from there. You’re very right that if you start with fear, you’ll likely get nothing but fear.
“Central casting? We need a Southern sheriff, ca. 1955. Yes, I know it’s for a 2022 picture but it’s still a type, apparently…”
Posted this earlier today and many times before, but worth noting yet again.
They can cripple the kids just in time for the holidays
wow, I must be in a bad mood today
I don’t know. Not a philosopher or anything. If I have respect for someone, I will fear disappointing them or failing them, but that is not the fear this asshat is talking about. I do not think (IMHO) that respect and brute fear of physical, psychological or emotional injury can live in the same relationship. YMMV, but I just don’t see it.
Seems like we were thinking about the same thing, more or less.
I definitely think this asshole doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I would bet ten to one that if he was investigated, you’d find domestic violence or physical abuse of children or something similar in his background, and not just once but many, many times.
Sounds like these guys need defunding.
“I was physically abused as a child and I turned out to be a perfectly normal abusive, violent asshole!”
The teachers in that school are mandated reporters. This sheriff is threatening child abuse. They are required by law to report him…to himself…