Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/02/05/politician-warns-of-bears-on-c.html
Cocaine Bear is not a documentary.
I think we need greater protection from Florida legislators on crack.
The way Floridian politics have been going of late, the addition of “bears” is a typo, right?
Modern conservatives: any excuse to kill a mammal.
How’s about looser hunter laws to shoot, you know, dangerous congresscritters on crack.
Metaphorically of course. Votes = Bullets
simplified that for ya.
Based on true events if I remember…
But the bear probably didn’t go on a rampage.
That a bear once got a hold of a large stash of cocaine, ate some, and then died from overdose?
That part is true.
We need a “Three strikes and you’re out” law for politicians. They’re allowed to say two really stupid things a year and we’ll give them the benefit of the doubt, but if they say a third, we conclude that they’re too dumb to be allowed to make law and relieve them of their office.
By the sound of it, Congressman Crackbear (R-WTF) is on strike one, and it’s only January.
There have been fewer than 70 documented cases of humans being killed by black bears in all of North America since 1900. Statistically speaking you’re thousands of times more likely to get killed by a dog, and liklier still to be killed by a human.
welp, florida-da has that in their sites, too:
of course, this same legislature has only added to the likelihood of the latter situation you describe.
Nope. It was “Inspired” by true events.
Like Stargate was “inspired” by the pyramids, or Indiana Jones was “inspired” by biblical stories of the ark of the covenant.
“Cocaine Bear” is also streaming right now, which is probably what “inspired” the Senators idea…
If they could openly hunt homeless veterans and refugee children for sport, they would.
Wait…It didn’t go on a 24 hour rampage, killing and maiming many people all while snorting lines? Aw shucks…
We gotta get these Bears together with the Cocaine Hippos.
Are we also permitted to shoot the Republicans that are high on crack? Won’t someone think of the children!
Maybe join up with the golf course destroying javelinas for a coalition of mayhem making wildlife.