Flynn charged with lying to FBI, will plead guilty

Fashionably late if anything :smiley: pull up a chair


I live in hope; I have to. The alternate is living in fear…


Kushner, Conway, Bannon, Preibus and Miller might need some extra shirts cause hot air is blowing in from Mar-a-Lago.

"The next day, Flynn called a senior member of Trump’s transition team “who was with other senior members of the Presidential Transition Team at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, to discuss what, if anything, to communicate” to Kislyak “about the US Sanctions,” the document says.

Trump was at Mar-a-Lago on December 29. A pool report from that day indicates that transition officials at Mar-a-Lago included Stephen Miller, K.T. McFarland, Kellyanne Conway, Steve Bannon, and Reince Priebus."


“Actively pissed off most of the electorate…”

Unfortunately this is the echo chamber, wishful thinking here.
Trump has a 40% approval rating The Muslim travel ban is actually popular with his base. It’s not a good thing, its a terrible thing but, the people who put up signs Team Deplorable in their front yards honestly don’t care about all the gaffs, and racism and sexism because quite frankly they were abandoned by the Democratic party years ago and this was their opportunity to elect a giant human middle finger (to paraphrase Thomas Frank).

And regarding Bernie, I wish he’d run, though the reality seems to be that all the Bernie-ites have been purged and now that Hillary came out with a book saying it was not her fault - she plans to run again.

Rather than the Russia thing, the Democrats really should come up with policy, but I don’t see it happening.


They should start with ditching Pelosi.


Russia thing? What is Russia thing? Look at Banana.


The people who put up Team Deplorable signs don’t care.
(Also think about the fact that it’s hard to ask for people’s vote after calling them racists)
Thomas Frank on why Democrats are not listening

No question, that Putin hated Clinton and they’ve been involved in all sorts of disinformation campaigns in the US and the West. But when has the US not been involved in other countries politics? To somehow think that it was the main reason that Hilary lost, pushed over the edge by Comey at the last moment is precisely the problem.

Then we multitask.

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Racism is at the core of almost everything Trump says or does and it was white supremacy that got him elected. I might not choose to bring that up if I were out canvassing traditionally conservative neighborhoods looking for votes, but I don’t think we should all pretend otherwise just to win more people over to the Democratic party.

Similarly many of the same people are currently supporting a child molester for the Senate. If Moore wins, I’m not going to apologize and say they weren’t just because it might hurt their feelings to point that out.


“Rather”? Well, the “Russia thing” is serious whether the Democrats come up with policy or not. You don’t ignore obvious corruption and crime just because it may be more politically beneficial to define and promote your own policies.

If Trump committed crimes it has to be addressed for the basic principle of “rule of law.” I get what you’re saying, but it’s like saying “sure the house is on fire but I really need to work on my resume’ so I can look for a better job.” Sorry, but the fire comes first.


Which is why it’ll take something to come to light which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that he’s trying to screw them and get rich off it.

Like a recording of him saying something like that, “Screw those poor people, I’m Rich bitches!”


And if the citizens of those other countries caught their politicians conspiring with the US to subvert their own countries’ election laws then I’d expect those citizens to demand accountability too.

This isn’t about what Putin did. It’s about what Trump did.


Of course there is racism, 25% of the electorate is racist. But in the midwest at least 2million people that voted for Obama in 08 and 12 now voted for Trump did they suddenly become racist?

Let me say that I think it is a monstrous presidency, and I would rather have seen Hillary (preferably Bernie). But there is a bigger issue here and it is global and relates to the rise of other populists and there is a mini culture war going on - because if the centre left blames it all on racism and not any past policy (ie. shifting to the centre and all for the globalist trade and hollowing out of the rustbelt, the opiate epidemics) Because its too easy to blame it on racism - it means its not their fault and they don’t have to do anything.

recall that the big stories around the time of the Access Hollywood tapes which should have destroyed any candidate
was Hillary’s speech to Goldman Sachs.

Racism wasn’t the primary driving factor for every Trump voter, but every Trump voter was OK with voting for a President who ran on a fundamentally racist platform.

Every. Single. One.


Disagree. The whole dogwhistle game is that people will buy into the plausible deniability of it. I’ve definitely heard from Trump voters that they don’t think Trump’s campaign was racist. (Also that screaming, “Racism!” at the drop of a hat is a shady liberal tactic.)

I like this one:

Limbaugh: Timing of Flynn Charges ‘May Not Be Coincidental’ - ‘Look at All the News It Has Swept Off the Front Pages’ - Breitbart

Apparently a guilty plea by a former White House official is a smokescreen to cover up the not guilty verdict in the Kate Steinle murder trial.

Wrong end of the telescope, smh.


Trump didn’t use a dogwhistle. He used a bullhorn.


Truth; and please believe that most POC in this country won’t forget that.

It’s yet another big, ugly mark on our bad track record as a “civilized” nation…


And the press amplified it. Worldwide.