Flynn charged with lying to FBI, will plead guilty

Then they are deluding themselves.

And I’d argue that Trump took the game from dogwhistling to outright racist rhetoric. His entire campaign announcement was a racist diatribe against Mexicans! You have to be pretty deeply deluded not to see how racist that speech was. I think they literally do not care.



Denial ain’t just a river in Africa.

Dude pretty much went out of his way to offend everyone who isn’t White, straight, "“Xtian” and male.



I am actually amazed the cheetolini hasn’t tweeterbated about Flynn yet.


Yes, exactly. I try and debate this point when I talk to Trump voters. They are motivated to look the other way, and I’d rather not let them.

Predictably, it doesn’t usually go well.


I would argue that it started with Obama. The 2008 Democrat campaign was populist, with a different target demographic.

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That’s precisely the reason there is no need to think about why all so many people voted for him despite being outspent 2 to 1

Trump happened to stumble on a narrative that connected with a large portion of the populace and that was every election they promise you vote for me better jobs, and your factory gets moved to a right to work state and then to China, and every year it gets worse until you’re finally working for Walmart at minimum wage or one of those Amazon warehouses where you get searched going in and out. Every day you read that your job will be replaced by robots (owned by those Wall St. guys who are doing all right now, they got bailed out.)

Now what was Hilary’s narrative - America is already great, her website had alphabet policy issues starting with Alzeihmers … and all along her campaign she’s trying to distance herself from the TPP agreement while Obama is still working to implement it. In 2016 the Wall St. Bonuses (excluding their salaries) came out to $22 billion. Contrast that with the total amount made by minimum wage workers in the US $14 billion. And now tell me its just racism.

(By the way the global populism is on the left too Bernie was a part of it, so was Corbyn and Syriza in Greece and Podemos in Spain)

They were already there. Single issue voters: Guns, God and Abortion. And they got played. The racist shit was icing on the cake with anti Hillary on top wearing a pant suit.


I was so glad to see Obama elected. Finally we had a grown up back in charge and the fact that he was African American as well was so positive. But what’s one of the first things he did? Everyone was expecting that the Wall St. and the bankers were going to be punished for gambling with and screwing up the world’s economy. Even the bankers expected it. They had that meeting where he called them in and they went in all grim-faced. AND came out all smiles because HE DID NOTHING.

Contrast this with FDR, not only did he shut down banks, he fired many of the managers and he then brought together some of the best minds to help run the country. Who did Obama bring in? many of the same people from Wall St. Summers Geithner, etc.

Why Hillary? because it was her turn? (I’d recommend Mark Blyth, Thomas Frank, Ed Luce, or Guy Standing on the rise of these trumpist populists, it is a lot more nuanced than ‘it’s just racism’


The silence is telling. Earlier, I said that we would know this was a big deal if Trump went crazy on Twitter, his usual response to bad news being to try to bury it with distractions. But it occurred to me as I wrote it that he might also go totally mute, and that seems to be what’s happened.

Either [a] he’s so apoplectic with rage that he can’t see to tweet, or [b] his staffers have somehow pried his phone out of his hands and locked it in a safe with the nuclear ‘football’, or [c] he’s calling everyone he still trusts at Trump Tower and telling them to fill carry-on bags with all the gold bullion they can find and meet him at the Aeroflot desk at Reagan National Airport.


And anyone paying an iota of attention would have realized that Trump not only had zero credibility on ANY of those issues (for example, he was literally one of the fat cats sending manufacturing jobs to China), but that he also lacked both the experience and demeanor for the job.

People were willing to overlook all of those things because Trump is a white man. There is a near-zero chance that a black man with Trump’s message could have won the nomination of a major party if he spoke the way Trump does. There’s even less chance that the GOP would have backed a woman who not only lacked any record of public service, but was also a serial philanderer who had five kids by three different men.

You can claim it was Trump’s “message” that got him into the Oval Office but it was still naked racism and sexism that made it possible for people to accept the messenger.


Now that would be funny!


But a black man was elected for two terms, by many of those same voters.

You know, even Michael Moore pointed it out. They elected a giant human middle finger.
They know he’s a bullshitter and they don’t care. And given that attitude so they will elect Moore.

But there is a history of the Democrats and other left parties over the past 30 years, moving away from their working class base becoming a party for the “creative class” or the professional class. One that claims that America is already great with 47% not making enough to pay any taxes or be hard pressed to put $500 emergency cash together.

It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down…
Now comes the fun part my fellow happy mutants. Something tells me that Ivanka wasted her only chance for christmas decoration in the white house with…whatever that creepy shit was.
The orange bastard is going from the white house to the big house, very, VERY soon.

I’m old enough to remember watching Nixon go down. I’d love to see it happen to Trump though his insurance is Pence.
But so far I haven’t seen any evidence. Recall that also this is the same agency that gave us the Dodgy dossier, the non-existent WMD’s the failure to see 911, or the collapse of Soviet Russia.

Yes, but the black man had to be PERFECT. An intellectual, an athlete, a law scholar, no scandals of any kind, years of public service, a winning smile, a beautiful wife and kids, etc. etc. and he STILL faced a lot of bullshit that no white President ever had to deal with (like the “Birth Certificate” nonsense that still refuses to die).

Do you honestly think a black candidate would have gotten within a mile of the nomination if he’d had a record like Trump’s?


Wow @ that argument.

Thomas Jefferson had a whole planation of kids with his ‘Dusky Sally,’ but he still owned slaves.

Just like many people are bigots, even though they have that one Black friend; “one of the good ones,” for whom they made an exception.


Answer in a nutshell:

No woman nor any person of color could have won the nomination let alone the election, if they had a background that was even half as shady as 45’s.

Privilege is a helluva drug.


Well, you have to admit that given all the gaffes (that would have been suicidal in the past) Trump not only outmanouvred the Republican party from the inside, but also out manoeuvred the Clintons who outspent him 2 to 1.

We are actually on the same side, but your point is ‘it’s all racism and probably Putin helped’.
My point is that it is global and more nuanced, sure there’s racism but then again after 30 years of neo-liberal globalism you have the hollowed out rust belt and the gig economy and the rise of huge inequality (which really increased during Obama’s terms) and a party that abandoned its working class roots.

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So after voting for Obama twice several million people “suddenly” became racist?