Flynn charged with lying to FBI, will plead guilty

Lock her him up!
Lock her him up!
Lock her him up!


He doesn’t need to set things right with god, he broke the laws of man.

Lets hope it is, because if it isn’t it will mark our official designation as a banana republic.

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Just because they voted for Obama doesn’t make them not racist. Plenty of people are racist and associate and are friendly with people of color, listen to black musicians, watch sports with black athletes, and watch TV or films with black characters, sometimes even ones that are primarily starring black casts.

Racism is not just hating black people, it’s supporting structures that privilege white people over others, believing in whiteness and understanding human beings primarily by their race and assuming that they have the racist characteristics of that racial stereotype.


I vacillate between needing to believe this, and just being nihilistic about this country and saying, fuck it,


Similarly, once a huge loud voice starts the racist bandwagon it sure makes it easier to jump on board.
Suddenly that guy who hates Mexicans and that guy who hates blacks BOTH have a candidate they can vote for…


Do you honestly think a black candidate would have gotten within a mile of the nomination if he’d had a record like Trump’s?

Hmm. Black man with children from three different women, talks about grabbing women by the pussy, does not speak standard English, volatile temper and prone to making threats. He would be much more likely to be shot at a routine traffic stop than elected president of the United States.


Not at all; it was always in them.

Speaking as a biracial Black woman who’s directly related to deeply prejudiced people, not everyone who’s a bigot realizes that’s what they are. They often think that racism is only lynchings, bombing churches, and burning crosses. (Hint; it’s not.)

Racism isn’t the only reason we’re in this current clusterfuck; classicism and sexism play a huge role, too.

My problem is with your apparent assertion that someone voting for Obama must automatically mean that person “can’t be” racist; that’s some deeply fallacious thinking, there.

And just to add some humor to my point:

Hypocrite Dean


Trump marks the time at which the dog whistle was abandoned. Trump was overtly racist from day one of his candidacy. It was one of the reasons the mainstream GOP candidates were so ineffectual against him in the primary. It was like Rodney Dangerfield waliking into the college library and demanding to know where they keep the nudie mags. The mainstream GOPs tried to shush him or get him to refer to it as “adult fiction,” but the GOP base reacted with, “yeah, man, show us the porn!”


Sorry, you lost me there. . . the investigation is still going on, it’s not like this is over, and Mueller is playing his cards close to his chest; we’re not supposed to see any evidence until it’s done. It’s perilous ground, Trump has already tried to stop the investigation by firing Comey (his own words) so the less we (and Trump) know the better until it’s sorted out.

Plus Mueller worked for the FBI (and only became director a few days before 9/11), not British intelligence or the CIA, so I’m not sure what you mean by “same agency” – the FBI is a domestic agency and had nothing to do with Iraq. Currently he’s a special counsel for the Department of Justice, who had nothing to do with any of those things either.


Let’s check the thermometer, if any of us dare to read the comments:

Seems to be plenty of folks who don’t put much credence in the idea that the Prez is racist.


I’m not clicking that.


You won’t be the only one not to.


@Melz2 @Tamsin_Bailey

Yeah, this thread is particularly vile once you get past the folks who pooh-pooh usage of the word, “Racist”. Unusually and nakedly ugly, in fact.


It’s not a straw poll. There are a lot of folks who think the earth is flat or deny climate change. It doesn’t matter if they believe it or not. It’s a fact.

Trump is overtly racist. It’s not controversial or even debatable. One of his first statements as a candidate called Mexicans rapists. He never backed down from that, apologized or claimed he was misquoted. Every time he says something racist and is called out for it, he doubles down.

Going back to the earlier assertion: every person who voted for Trump was at least OK with voting for an overt racist. I would posit that the folks who comment on Breitbart and say that he isn’t, are the same people who wear a Nazi armband over a Confederate flag t-shirt, and also claim to not be racist.


I get what you’re saying, there is plenty of racism and not just the dog-whistle type.

My assertion is that if you blame Trump’s rise (and similar Trumpist rise elsewhere) on racism only, and there’s plenty of evidence for a lot of that (especially some of the Euro ones who are pretty overt about it) that’s one thing but it also means the current Democratic party is blameless and has no need to do any self examination whatsoever.

I think there are deeper economic and global issues that stem from 30 years of the neo-liberal Reagan and Thatcher market revolution with the financial crisis at the end. Thirty years of decline of the middle class and wage stagnation and left of centre parties that no longer represent the working class but have shifted to the centre and abandoned them. While the Republicans were always about the rich and the one percent, the Democrats have over the past thirty years shifted over to the educated professional class - the top 10%.

We are not asserting that Trump’s appeal to his base was 100% based on racism.

We are asserting that Trump’s viability and eventual win was only made possible because of racism (and a healthy dose of sexism with a side of Putin).


I suspect there’s a pretty big overlap between those folks and the ones who didn’t put much credence in the idea that the previous President was an American citizen.


I don’t think anyone here is saying racism is the ONLY reason he won, but it sure as hell was a big part of it. To think otherwise is only fooling one’s self.

And Brainspore’s point was that many people seemed to see flagrant racism and bigotry as some kind “lesser evil;” if it meant accomplishing their agenda.

Jinx; owe ya a coke.


“Mr. Mueller, why do you have the economy?”