Originally published at: Fmr. Speaker Boehner casually tells Ted Cruz to "Go F*ck yourself" | Boing Boing
Still cried in congress.
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend, but a crocodile shedding tears.
While I will deny agreeing with Boehner on much of anything, on this? “So say we all!”
This American casually tells John the smoking man’s tan to “Go F*ck yourself”
John Boehner can practice what he preaches
Re: Boehner’s comment…
Ted Cruz strikes me as the type of guy who would if he could…
and has probably tried.
Ted Cruz! Really “go f#ck yourself”!
Papasan, circa 2021
Boehner with his 'Merica the Great Meritocracy speech can go f*ck himself and Ted Cruz.
Somebody make me a ringtone please
Oh… verbal attacks…
I was a bit excited there for a moment.
Carry on.
Ya, the part before he tells Ted Cruz to go fuck himself is basically him telling all sentient life to go fuck itself.
There’s nothing endearing about this jack-o-lantern and he shouldn’t have been let out of his pit.
Boehner? How do you make it in politics with a name like Boehner, for cryin’ out loud. If he was a UK politician the press, and everyone else would have a field day with that name.
So mote it be!
you know, I like the way you say it better.
He claims it’s pronounced “bay-ner”. That’s how he managed.
Is he one of those assholes who tried to legalize pot in Ohio so it could basically be controlled by a cartel of other rich assholes?
i will say that Boehner’s one guy i hate only slightly less than Mitch McConnell. but not by much.
i will say that Boehner’s one guy i hate only slightly less than Mitch McConnell. but not by much
With so many choices how can any of us choose? I think everyone agrees that the supreme humanoid hemorrhoid is mitch but with the entire republican party and a fair number of democrats competing for number two…Wow