Yeah, it says “Pittsburgh Poison Control” and the toll free number.
Why don’t the manufacturers just print that uck face on the top of the bottle???
Yeah, it says “Pittsburgh Poison Control” and the toll free number.
Why don’t the manufacturers just print that uck face on the top of the bottle???
I was thinking that too!
What that study fails to do or even mention is: 1. actual quantity of liquid used 2. comparison amounts to cigarettes.
Micrograms per e-cigarette? Really? Are we talking about a device that holds 1 mL with enough nicotine to mimic a pack of cigarettes? Or a device that holds 4-9 mLs where a pack equivalent of nicotine is after 2-4 fills?
Let’s say the devices that were used in your linked study were a 1:1, 1 e-cig = 1 cigarette.
Based on this study from 2006, let’s grab some numbers to compare. Units are microgram per cigarette.
Highest Diacetyl Levels
Lowest Diacetyl Levels (that was able to be detected)
How about some best to worst math?
Worst Cigarette - 433
Best E-Cig - 0.3
1443.3 times as much diacetyl.
Best Cigarette - 301
Worst E-Cig - 238.9
1.26 times as much.
To round this out, cigarettes have a lot more diacetyl than most vape flavors on the current market. Also since the whole “blown out of proportion popcorn lung vape scare,” nearly every single respectable vape brand doesn’t use any diacetyl in flavorings today.
Well, you have to mix the ammonia with the lemony-fresh-scented clorox, resulting in lemon-scented chloramine gas.
It may not chase a skunk away, but it could certainly kill it. And the rabbit. And you.
That rabbit chased a skunk away, you think something as simple as lemon-scented chloramine gas is going to take him out? No, only his gluttony and unfamiliarity with Hav-A-Heart traps allowed his capture. I got lucky.
I’m not sure that there was science behind the decision to do something, as I recall it was anecdotal evidence - at one of our meetings enough of us from various companies had realized how much we all dealt with the problem, raised the issue, and decided to do something about it. I left the company (and the trade group) shortly after, so I never really saw the results, but obviously it didn’t eliminate the problem.
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