Ford and Spielberg to bring back Indiana Jones

First 3 movies ware awesome!
The 4-th was ruined by the lebuff guy

They arenā€™t junk!

I liked all three Indiana Jones movies!


The one where Han crashes the Millennium Falcon on Earth, about a century before Indy goes investigating legends around a Sasquatch?


I will contend that the Busby Berkeley style revue of Anything Goes that kicks off Temple of Doom, while not quite as gripping as the intro to Raiders, is still one of the most fun movie intros of all time.

Who doubted Harrison couldnā€™t do DeNiro-style method acting?


The Ankara stones bust that theory. Magical Shiva stones.

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I prefer Last Crusade, closely followed by Raiders of the Lost Ark, then Temple of Doom a way down third-rate flop. I didnā€™t even bother watching Crystal Skull. The couple of episodes Iā€™ve seen of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles was pretty decent. I should go back and watch that series instead.

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Nice to hear someone else with a similar opinion. Raiders is far and away the best, the other two donā€™t even come close. Thereā€™s a little enjoyment to be had from Last Crusade, but Raiders is the only one Iā€™d consider a classic (and one of my favorite movies of all time, in fact). I also loved Fate of Atlantis, which similarly is one of my favorite adventure games of all time.


Give it to J. J. Abrams.

He fixes everything.

Wow! Boing Boing tries to render sarcasm tags.


Hell, yeah! why not?? Take the money and run, guys! Get it while the 'gettinā€™s good! Might as well ā€˜milkā€™ it while Mr. Ford can still walk. Whatā€™s next?? Indy with a cane, maybe?

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Temple of Doom had the mine cart scene which was good


That corridor full of fucking bugs! Eeeeeek!

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Finding a lost stone thing that was being used by a cult that used hallucinogens to make people think that their leader was ripping out peopleā€™s hearts before tossing them into magmaā€¦ when all he was doing was tossing them into magma. Also child labor, voodoo dolls, and that freaking cave of bugs that had the crushy roof.

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Indiana Jones and the cup of warm applesauce


For being basically a family oriented YA show, I really enjoyed it as well. It is both cheesy and fun how it remixes history with Indy involved (much like the (good) films).

The DVD set can be had cheaply.


Also, ā€œWater!ā€

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Indiana Jones and the Jeweled Bedpan


Donald Trump: Late Stage Savageism

Not to mention the bugs. Iā€™ll take snakes any day.

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